
Everybody cutting onions in here, I hate onions. 

Read them, have you? Page turners, they were not. ;)

It’s a secret handshake deal. 

The Nissan Rogue is really just a rolling Rick. It’ll never let you down. 

Oppo also has no clothes. We’re just gonna meme our way out of this, as is tradition.

That is exactly what came to mind aft of the front wheels. 

If you take that godawful nose off, it looks like a Nissan. Way to go guys, top work. 

I just read the story of its time as a rescue aircraft in NZ and found this fun line from one of its main pilots in that time:

These are great for surfers. No key hidden on your tire or someplace that the guy casing the parking lot will have seen you hide before stealing your shit while you’re in the water (this happens fairly often), and no key jabbing you inside your wetsuit. It’s also great when your roommate owns the car you guys use to

Hey the trucks were quite gifted with the Confundus Charm. 

Every damn day. Every hour. I was raised by hippies and mostly am myself, especially in environmentalism and matters of our planet’s health. But I’ve just never not liked cars. It wasn’t a conscious choice, they were just my thing from before I could walk and have been my passion, profession and fed my family, but

Are you Bob Norwood?

Yep. Took some balls for an automotive journalist and publication like R&T to put this out. I’m sure they lost subscribers over it. But it must be talked about.

R&T is the one regular print publication I still read cover to cover. In this day and age when it’s hard to make a case for it, they continue to do good work off the internet. Started subscribing when I was a kid, so it’s the only mag I feel attached to. And now the guys running it are my age and younger, they get our

Not often talked about in enthusiast circles, so when someone steps up and nails it in a mainstream publication, it’s a big deal. Sam is great, he’s with Hagerty now. 

Something I think long and hard about every single day, as I work in the industry. There’s only so far that cycling, reducing meat intake, and otherwise living thoughtfully will go towards reconciling my enthusiasm with my conscience. 

The best highways for crossing the country aren’t highways at all. Also, you’ll appreciate I-80 a little more if you read John McPhee’s “Annals of the Former World.”    

I recall one exasperated tire company rep saying in an interview some years back, “they’ve asked us to build a shit tire, we’ve built them a shit tire.”

Less cost and especially reducing environmental impact are noble goals, always. But what I’m reading between the lines is that, as racecars, they’ll be slower. And, uh...

That would require complete second crews, among other things. 24 hours is unbelievably hard on mechanics, for example. Also the cost of tires, fuel and spares for 24 hours of wheel to wheel competition is insane enough as is, double that and the costs skyrocket.