
Whoa!! Just..whoa!! 

Drove my ratty 911SC to Luft 6, the first trip out of town with it for me. I wasn’t in the show, but I’d never been before and couldn’t miss it. I’d been doing (and continue to do) heaps and heaps of work over several months after selling my soul and all worldly possessions for it in 2018. Long story. But it was

Your car was specifically in mind when I said “about” 2005 ;)  I think I’ve mentioned this before, but the only exceptions for me are E90/92 M3s and Z4s. 

“Here’s the keys to a bunch of Mustangs that encapsulate perfectly what Mustangs are and how they make you feel! And (brap), uh, over here we have the (BRAPPAPPAP), uh...the new (GUHBRAPPPPPP), um... Mach... (BRRRAPPAPAPAPAPPP) if I could just have your attention for a second pl...

Depends entirely on the car. Any BMW built since about 2005? 80,000. Old 22RE Toyota truck? Mileage is just a number, matters not. 

Your car has power windows and a radio? Bro do you even Jalop?!?

That Centodieci is bad, but in Bugatti’s defense, the portholes at least have precedent: 

What about a corner that’s named a number, like 130R at Suzuka?  

The last Aussie Holdens all roll out, quietly, in resignation. Sad eyes follow, hearts fallen. The hushed applause starts to subside, giving way to introspection, memories... the workforce resigned, tears in their eyes as they come back to earth and reality. Minutes pass...

An electric Camaro could finally embrace the internet spelling and change it to CamEro.  Then they could cut the back off and turn it into a Ute, and call it the E-Camino. 

Gas Monkey Garage on the headrest TV. 

This feels like a send-off, a goodbye kiss from Germany. Gasoline powered, normally aspirated, 2-wheel drive supercars are a dying breed. That a company which made its name with turbocharging and AWD is producing it makes it sweeter.

I can only think of one thing:

A customer many years ago used to have an electrified Super Beetle that retained the 4-speed manual. It was an old-school conversion with lead-acid batteries and the motor bolted right onto the VW transaxle, not much range. You could just leave it in 4th if you wanted, but it was still fun to row.

They did have turbolasers. Damn Resistance evaded ‘em. 

Cosigned, L88 Corvette. 

Behold, the MegaTrack:

I have this dream that sometime in the future, when it comes down to the last drops of available gas, everyone pulls off their goofy masks, puts down their weapons, and comes together to fill the tank of some old V12. Preferably a Ferrari, because, you know, passion and stuff. Then they stand together in silent

Not anymore, because Volvo sucks now.