
Ritalin is a stimulant, stimulants are illegal in Japan. There are a lot of over-the-counter medicines in the US and elsewhere that are not allowed in Japan. It’s not so different in the US, where tylenol with codeine is prescription only but it is OTC in many other countries.

Let me guess, at most he’ll go on a short vacation to whatever barn they sent Laura Ingraham when she lost like half her sponsors

So if Pelosi had further delayed the SOTU, it would never have occurred to Trump to declare a national emergency that he talked about a month before...Ah, I see.

Remember when Iwata (and the rest of the board) took a 50% cut to his $770.000 salary because Nintendo wasn’t doing as well as expected?.

A shame that the Activision CEO only makes like $30 million and can’t afford it 

Eh, kinda. Depends on what you want to do. If you want to lift weights, you’re going to have a tough time approximating that.

There is a huge difference in between trying to take care of yourself physically, and being a part of fitness culture. I think a huge part of this is projecting, and unfair for the majority of Americans dealing with significant health problems relating to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and a whole host of issues.

This move toward socialism wouldn’t have been necessary if the very rich had simply been content with being very rich. Now that they’ve (again) become parasites, there has to be a course correction. It’s going to happen even if we have to get a kid from a school play to recite something FDR said. It’s going to happen,

And ultimately, do I want to be starting something?

It’s a facet of Bethesda games that went from “almost charming” in single-player games to “WTF?!” in a multi-player, online, ongoingly-monetized game. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to say this outcome was predictable. 

Agreed, although I would say Heather is patently wrong about the modernized controls giving players a massive leg up on zombies. After trying standard and then going back to it again on Hardcore, Hardcore feels like the way the game should be. It’s a survival horror in the purest since. And the changes arent just that

Absolutely agreed, tank controls, fixed camera angles, and pre-rendered backgrounds went the way of the dinosaur for a reason, they were a relic of their time. If this remake DID have those things I’d be less interested.

Yeah, I also felt this was all the review was complaining about. If you di the RE2 boss battles on the train platform 5 times in the last days, you get a different view on the camera angles and while I miss Marvin, the demo gave me the impression that they are trying to be less corny than the original and using new

Totally agree with everything you said.  Just in case anyone was wondering...    ;)

That’s the biggest issue I have with Super: Goku is dumb, but he’s not stupid, and Super has turned the stupid up to 12 with him. 

But that’s not remotely true at all, and one only needs to actually watch OG DB and Dragon Ball Z to know that, while yeah, Goku loves fighting, it’s nowhere near the selfishness portrayed in Super.

I think the whole “I never meant Goku to be Superman” (even though DragonBall Minus outright lifts Superman’s origin

Why would you choose to be mean to a 7 year old?  

how am i joking? Id say the same thing for any of these old ghouls. If there ever is a next time when a Dem pres has a Dem senate pretty much breyer and rbg need to immediately retire and get replaced.

Dear Salty,

He looks like a bell pepper that’s been sitting in the grocery store for too long.