El Robbo

I dunno. Maybe SyFy won't turn these "Overlords" into lizard people, but they could do something really stupid…

Yeah. And when it's in our atmosphere it's NOT PURE. Shithead.

Shit. That's who I meant.

Something something Big Finish non-canonical spin off.

I briefly considered the possibility that Missy was Barbara.

As with most "references" videos this is a lot of guesswork and assumptions masquerading as research. His list is too long to rip apart, but jeeeeze is he stupid.

That had to be the stupidest hour of TV I've seen in a while. And I don't mean reality-show stupid, I mean literally every SF point in that story was utterly wrong.

Eh. I thought the Maximillian design was boring and static. What could it do besides scowl, float and spin saw blades? In reality it could only function as an irritated hedge trimmer.

"I love you, Wife."

Robby the Robot already guest-starred on the original show. I don't remember it too well, but I think he was lonely and jealous of the Robot.

I'd say Moffat fetishizes headmistresses. That's a kind of prejudice.

Absolutely there are. It still isn't a good idea to let one take a kid for a ride in a "magic box." Especially not with a recently deactivated murder-bot. Cuz, y'know, the Doctor's track record with "inert" killing machines is far from spotless.

The character has more than one scene.

I'm not suggesting anything. I'm SAYING they cast a young black actress to be bratty in that episode. Then they cast a young black actress to be bratty in "Nightmare in Silver." Then they cast a young black actress to be bratty in "The Caretaker."

Pattern not broken because you found one instance of a child being upset because their friend was essentially sentenced with death. That kid had a reason to be upset, these others don't.

And if that caretaker hadn't been the Doctor she would have likely ended up being sexually assaulted.

The boy from "The Snowmen" was sullen and sulky but didn't mouth off to adults. The kid from "The Beast Below" was clearly being victimized by that society and didn't mouth off to adults.

Promoting the "angry black woman" trope (albeit in girl form) is somehow compensating for the lack of people of color? Maybe that's what they're trying to do, but making every bratty kid a black girl sends an even worst message than having none at all.

Other shows aren't relevant. And racism doesn't have to be intentional to be problematic.

Not at the beginning of the episode she wasn't. Go rewatch it. She first appears as an angry black girl the same age as young Amelia.