literally not a single racial or gendered connotation there. Nice try, loser. Learn to read.
literally not a single racial or gendered connotation there. Nice try, loser. Learn to read.
Accusing someone of being a wife beater without any basis doesn’t work in discrediting them. See above article. Sorry that that bothers you.
why interact with facts (or a trial? Or any piece of media or art really?) when you can just get your opinion about it from a poorly written website instead of doing the actual work? (Or Twitter but same same)
{believe all the woman! Not all the facts.}
there’s a reason the top voted comment is an unrelated Sonic milkshake. This verdict is for some reason rattling the losers who normally virtue signal in these comment sections. They need to joke about something else because this pokes holes in everything they usually comment on articles concerning abuse.
sorry that every adult baby who never matured enough to stop being obsessed with Star Wars well into adulthood isn’t ALSO smart enough to always be socially progressive…it’s nerd shit…there will always be pathetic troll losers. if you’re so closed minded you can’t get into a different piece of pop culture after…
nice job advertising racist trolls to justify ur fake outrage.
cancel culture isn’t real and no victim of it suffers defamation or consequences ever…
i would also like millions of dollars from Disney
this is penance for letting them kill James Bond. now he’s next. sorry pal. T2D socially.
this “controversy”, tweet, and article are Disney’s new Star Wars psy-op trilogy
“I think Yang to be hilarious”
The review for Joker tore that movie apart and gave it a B-
looks like a good flick but neither of these dudes are very funny and we all know it.
oh my god logged back into my account for the first time all year just to call you the smuggest loser on the planet
Glad y’all get exactly what I was trying to say. What an embarrassment of a website. It’s a shame to see so many liberal media outlets beginning to just become as gross and biased as conservative media. No regard for facts. Everyone just wants to be right. Grow up.
Every article on this website is a factoid.
lmao they’re still calling it complex on here cause they were defending Jussie from the jump.
Yeah most of the article is just the author making up insufferable things that no one said as justification for hack snarkery. Dude said it’ll be “raw”. That’s pretty much it.