
G-D it Robicelli, are you really talking me into dropping more than five bucks on a jar of pasta sauce?  You’re clearly saying it tastes far more than twice as good as a jar that would cost half as much, though, so I gotta let the math guide me.

As Kurt Vonnegut said, we must be careful who we pretend to be.

That should have been Watson's first words, Why am I on here? You said athletes should shut up amd dribble ?

“That’s like re-segregating the country, why would we want that? Besides of course the reasons Tucker Carlson and I lay out every night.”

This is pretty funny and I’m glad it happened.

But also Benjamin Watson is pro-life in that hotepy “black people having access to abortions is hurting out communities” kind of way. Thus throwing more fire into conservative flame and allowing more white conservatives to comfortably tell me to my face ,that abortion is

And apparently most, if not all of the spraying was instigated by ONE COP.

White LGBTQ men and women, including white people who are gender non-conforming in some way can certainly be racist.

This person who found enough acceptance to wear makeup in a pic wanted to make a particular set of minorities feel unsafe and uncomfortable.


Man, even fictional boomers don’t wanna bother with gen-Xers (or us very-late-seventies-very-early-eighties gen-X adjacent crowd), they just go straight to offing millennials.

 Seriously, it’s like baby boomers can’t stand for anything in the world to not be about them. They're so mad about it and mad about their bullshit racism, sexism, and homophobia no longer being tolerated that they actually would be happy killing millennials. 

You have to be fucking kidding me.

Amazing, from Wikipedia: “From a review of historical depictions of the figure, it has been identified that the Giant’s current large erection is, in fact, the result of merging a circle representing his naval with a smaller penis during a 1908 re-cut: the navel still appears on a late 1890's picture postcard.”

Of course, the last time Britain was a leader, things...weren’t great for most of the world. India and Pakistan are still dealing with the fallout.

And the thing that needs to be harped on whenever a SCOTUS article comes up - Trump, in three years, has been able to appoint two SCOTUS justices.

This shit gives me heartburn. The case law is exceedingly clear. The precedent for gender stereotyping = sex discrimination is miles thick and decades old - Price Waterhouse was decided 30 years ago. Discrimination against trans workers for being trans falls *exactly* under what Price Waterhouse says is unlawful sex

His chin was knocked into the Phantom zone by Superman, I'm pretty certain I have a mental image of it drawn by Curt Swan so that's basically a memory of a real thing. 

“I challenged him to come to my home, and call me a bed bug in front of my family. It would be a very cool affair. I would simply ask him to look my children straight in the eye, spit on them, and call me a bed bug. Afterword, my wife would make a lovely meal, we would call up our extended family and gather round, to

okay I was way off-base on this one... it was a TV appearance