
A second source, who confirmed Clinton asked the female DJ to turn down the volume, said she wittily won him over by playing Fleetwood Mac’s “Don’t Stop.” The song was Clinton’s theme for his winning 1992 campaign.

Okay, but what the fuck is Jon Bon Jovi doing having political discussions with a former President and Secretary of State?

Not every Jew is (gasp!) even a Zionist or a supporter of Israel in the first place!

You can also get some hot water in there to use it as broth. Enough water to get it out (close it and shake it!) and then of course transfer it to a pot.

Is droch-tráta tú. Téigh ar ais chuig an ollmhargadh.

Well for Sony, they do it because they don’t have to actually produce anything. It’s free money.

and when Disney calls to borrow a cup of sugar”

Well this seems stupid and short sighted given all the world building FFH just set up. 

Oh, we’re doing philosophy, are we? Well, then surely Ben Shapiro would be aware that what he’s doing here, namely committing an ontological or semantic error in which things belonging to a particular category are presented as if they belong to a different category, has a name in philosophy. Gilbert Ryle referred to

Conservatives are so oversensitive. 

Has Ben Shapiro ever considered just not being an asshole?

Also an Italian-American. Fredo is not a slur. I didn’t even know calling dumb people ‘Fredo” was a thing. Dago, wop, and greaseball are slurs towards Italians and hearing them doesn’t faze me. As an Italian-American what does bother me is the existence of the Mafia and people saying Italian using the long I sound as

True, someone could have called him “Mary”.

Its still an insult, just not a slur. The real insult is being compared to The Godfather Part III.

As an Italian American, Fredo is not a slur. There are actual slurs for Italians, and they come nowhere near close to the n-word or any other slur. 

He’s consistently been a creep for years. He is a grown ass middle aged man who only dates women who were very recently teens. He vapes. He calls himself and his friends the pussy posse. Isn’t well known in the industry that he’s horrific to work with - it came out in the Sony email hacking, I could have sworn he was

I’m talking specifically about meatless patties.

Leftists who live in Gun States do. There have been some interesting discussions on my FB between pro-gun and anti-gun leftists in the last few days.And too many memes about not needing a gun to commit terrorist acts.

It’s not necessary to put the word brother in parenthesis in this context.