
Keep telling yourself that.

Lol, sure they are.

A guy from my office was on that plane. His father was killed in a lightening strike yesterday in PR. God bless those pilots for being able to get him home.

Hey look. A proper leftist response.

Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.

Nothing says “I’m not smug” like calling somebody smug for shopping at a grocery store.


I’ve been estranged from my father for 30 years. At first it was because he was physically and emotionally abusive, I turned 18 and moved out. He was trucking with Lyndon LaRouche when I was in high school but he’s moved into full on right wing conspiracy nutjob over the years and was yelling for State’s Rights while

For real. I honestly don’t think kids owe their parents much, if anything. Why on earth would you bring a child into the world, and then vote AGAINST that child’s best interests, and still expect your child to accommodate you? Being the bigger person is great and all, but that doesn’t mean you have to sit there and

not literally everyone thinks these idiotic white groups a joke. They’re more than a joke to those who wake up with burning crosses on their lawn or swastikas painted on their doors or bacon-wrapped korans on their porches or rape/death threats in their inboxes.

“Works both ways, you don’t get to mace and assault people that you don’t agree with in this country, that’s called anarchy.”

Actually, you do get to mace people who are threatening you with violence. And the “white groups” (I think you mean white supremacists) are a joke that murders people on a regular basis. Tell Heather Heyer’s mother how harmless they are. 

I never said anything about coming armed for bear. I said show them there are millions who oppose them.

If you can find a group that is willing to pay for and do the paperwork to create the monuments or do so yourself I will be happy to see them and learn their reason for existence. You see this is the trick, for the most part these monuments were petitioned for, funded, and created by private citizens, not governments.

My wife is 5'2" and does this on trips. I assume it’s for the same reason why I like putting my feet up on an ottoman...

Please do Kindred, Ava! Before anyone else can fuck it up!

I honestly don’t get the opposition to transgenderism in Christianity. Opposition to homosexuality? Don’t agree with it but I understand it. But being opposed to trans? Huh?

An old-school refrigerator?