
Benjen wasn’t there for that part. He might not know...

Bran was touched by the Night’s King in his vision (before Hodor was killed). That negated the children’s magic which protected The Three-Eyed Raven, Leaf, Meera, and Bran.

As a correction, the composer’s name is Bear McCreary, not McReary as printed here.

This headline is a pretty big spoiler...and now it’s showing up on Gawker.

I know, right? There isn’t even a Soviet Union anymore to win the European part of the war for them. I’m not sure Putin’s Russia will be able to pull it off.

af= as fuck.

What’s likely to happen is some poor butch woman is going to get confused for a man by a bunch of ignorant bigots and she’s going to get punched. Then they’ll blame her. For “dressing like a man” or “looking like a man”.

Give it another 5 years or so and people will have 90s parties where they dress in Hypercolor or flannel while drinking cappuccinos

That grimdark tone works for The Dark Knight because that’s become the defining trait for that character since Tim Burton’s film (and one of many reasons why people hated the Schumacher Batman movies).

It’s Tobey Maguire...

I was about 20 when I had my gall bladder removed due to gallstones.

Jon Hamm, not John.

The Flash is a goddamned delight... Psychic gorilla, shticky villains, King fucking Shark, time travel, alternate Earths. It revels in its comicbookiness and Gustin (and the rest of the cast) is fun. Sure, it’s a bit formulaic (How many plot problems can be solved by Barry just either..running faster..or believing in

Paterno didn’t molest children. Sandusky did. Paterno just looked the other way while he was doing it.

“Watchmen” not “The Watchmen”.

You’re probably not going to care about this or consider it “mewling”. Fuckin’ whatever.

Louis C.K. thinks it's OK to take out his cock in front of women without their consent.

Democracy Now

Is the goat consenting? Because goat sex is one thing, goat rape is another.

No. I want him to spend the rest of his life behind bars. Away from his wife, his millions, his comfortable house and bed, and his adoring fans. I want him locked up with rapists because that’s what he is. That’s where he belongs.