
Is there any profession that *is* accurately depicted in a television (fictional) series?

Why, the film asks, did we give up on that kind of can-do, sleeve-up-rolling optimism?

Oh hell no. It’s Roger Corman. You expect that sort of thing from him.

Exactly. There was no “Highlander 2”. Any discussion of it is just perpetuating a hoax.

Oh god yeah. My sweetie and I always wince whenever someone pulls out the “10% of your brain” canard and this film positively reveled in it.

Yeah - a few generations ago, some of my family were fishermen in Newfoundland, and I’ve heard tell of folks eating lobster and swordfish because they couldn’t afford bologna.

Well, yeah. I assumed the same. It’s just the phrase really does live several layers of abstraction past the (assumed) reality.

Nope. It’s sharks. Jaws was a documentary, and 70% of all non-vehicular deaths in those states are due to sharks. Not always overtly, but the sharks are behind it.

“Legal intervention” is one of the more obfusciated euphemisms I’ve encountered lately.

Kyle MacLachlan will leave no scenery unchewed. NONE!

Fem Shep is the Best Shep.

I encourage you to seek out “War of the Worlds: Goliath” which features Teddy Roosevelt leading armored dirigibles (how does armor on lighter-than-air craft work? I have no idea!) into combat.

I see they’re missing a few.

Starting countdown now for how long until these get turned into an image described as some Asian coastal city ravaged by climate change and rising oceans....

“Interface”, by Stephen Bury (which is a pen name for Neal Stephenson and J. Frederick George). The length and pacing is perfect for a two or three episode miniseries and the tech is still cutting edge enough (but even closer to mainstreamed enough) to make the plot work. Plus election season is upon us.

I’m going to go against a bunch of folks here, and say I DON’T want a Black Widow movie. I REALLY want a Marvel movie with a female superhero as the main character. But I don’t want it to be Black Widow. There are more female characters in the Marvel Universe, and I want to see *more* women not just a focus on the

So they’re partway to inventing the “homer” from the book “Logan’s Run”?

Now playing

Ah! Here’s Benedict Cumberbatch on the Graham Norton show having a bit of difficulty with the word (starting at 3:36):


I assume there's a whiteboard in the writers room that contains a list of "wacky costumes Root should inexplicably show up wearing." And it's a long long list.