
“Parents” is either a movie about a kid whose parents are cannibals, or a movie about a kid who is undergoing a massive psychotic delusional break.  Either way, FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY.

This is wonderful. Marquee tags! THEY WENT FULL BLINK TAG! You never go full blink tag.

“Event Horizon” is so bad. It had such promise, and such pretty set design. And then... then it had one trick. “LOOK OVER THERE ... 3... 2... 1... BOO! I was able to literally count out loud leading up to the jump-scare.

Nitpicking correction: Shogun-World was a plot element in the Westworld sequel FutureWorld.

The book was terrible, but a lot of that was the writing. I trust Hollywood to turn this into big stupid summer fun that will, if nothing else, be air conditioned from start to finish.

This just played at the Boston Science Fiction Film Festival - I was really uncertain going into it based on the description, but I was really blown away by the animation. So much stop-motion goodness!

I *LOVED* that about “Hannibal”. So deeply fucked up, and no rape.


Yes! I miss the “Close the blast doors! Close the blast doors!” from the original version of A New Hope. (Lucas dropped that but kept the “Open the blast doors! Open the blast doors!” which is no longer funny with the first bit removed.)

Interesting! I thought he was working on an anthology series based on Ruff’s collection of short stories, “Lovecraft Country” (the eldritch horrors of racism and also some Lovecraft content in mid 20th century).

I’m pleased with how Bob’s plot played out, but I was kind of hoping that Bob would turn out to be an ACTUAL Soviet plant - like, he grew up in Hawkins but ended up informing to the KGB somewhere along the line and was sent back to town to see what was up with all the weird stuff happening at that DOE lab.

I hadn’t heard of this comic, and it’s interesting! Got kind of a Howard Chaykin feel to it, from what I’m reading here.

Disappointing. I think there’s room out there for a weird-monster blaxploitation companion to “Big Ass Spider!”


I was lucky enough to see this when it ran at the Boston Science Fiction Film Festival. One of the solid shorts entries that year.

I am earnestly hoping this is a sort of ‘greatest american hero’ take on Ms Marvel. :)

I’m really kind of tired of GRITTY JOKER. Enough, I say. BRING ME THE GHOST OF CAESAR ROMERO!

Monty Python’s Matching Tie and Handkerchief, because there were three sides to the album - one album side had two parallel grooves so it was semi-random which content you’d actually get when you listened to it if you weren’t careful.

Monty Python’s Matching Tie and Handkerchief, because there were three sides to the album - one album side had two

I’ve been feeling kind of burned out on a flood of Marvel movies in specific and comic book movies in general (WW rocked my world, but I haven’t watched any of the other offerings this summer) so initially I really didn’t want to want to see this movie, but now between this trailer and the previous one, I *totally*