
Here's a logbook entry from UW Astronomy department folks from the eruption.

"while playing cricket in prison"

I'd actually been blissfully unaware of the backlash slate. *sigh* I'm happy to see some of the things I nominated make the cut, though. (In particular, I'd really like to see Orphan Black take the short form dramatic, because it's really quite a good show)


I read it as a kid (early high school, iirc), and hated it - I really didn't like the main character and didn't find a lot I could really groove on in the book. I suspect that if I was an outcast teenage boy instead of an outcast teenage girl, my response might've been different.

Not to mention Paul Schäfer, who may have the award for most fucked-up post-war evilness in Argentina.

Yeah - I was definitely lucky. And it's such a sneaky cancer - the list of 'warning sign' symptoms (http://ovarian.org/symptoms.php) are about as vague as one can get and many of them are easily mistaken for, say, being tired and stressed. I didn't realize CA125 trending was only useful afterwards - interesting!

That is what I meant - as far as I knew, the intellectual property issue was settled, but I wasn't sure that there wasn't something else waiting in the wings on that front. My understanding wrt CA125 is that if I see a sudden shift in levels, it's worth looking more deeply into what's going on, rather than "oh, 4 is

I wasn't sure if he was talking about Joss or his fiancee.

Thankfully the patent BS with BRCA is over. (as far as I kn0w - it's still invalidated, yes?)

Mormons are totally the kings and queens of survivalist cuisine.

It had potential, but they really just threw too much crap at the wall to see if it stuck. And, uh, no.

Yes! It had great potential! Wonderful design, great cast. And the movie had JUST ONE TRICK. It was "look! over there! a distraction.... 3... 2... 1.. BOO!" If I can predict and then literally do a countdown to the "BOO" moment, you are doing it wrong.

So, I am puzzled about eligibility for long-form dramatic presentation - "Robot Overlords" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt214582…) has only (afaik) played in the US at the Boston SF Film Festival in 2015. However, IMDB lists it as 2014 and claims there were UK and German releases in 2014.

Ah, yes. The bad old days of Selective Availability, when you could tell the US military was about to do something large because they turned the fuzzing off of civilian GPS (I'm told this is because the military didn't have enough milspec GPS units that could operate accurately while the civilian fuzzing was

In Boston, it's really wicked pissah how we describe drinking fountains as bubblers. Also, subs/hogies/etc are termed "grinders" in many of the older shops around here.

I have seen the fan film! It's really remarkable what scenes they managed to do, and positively delightful for fans of the original. And, yeah, it took them something like 6 or 8 years to do the whole film, so they grow up through it.

Oh, I think CLI will still be around, but I think the model of "log in, type a config statement, save" is going by the wayside. So, like cisco's ASDM, where you can do anything up to and including individual config statements, but you're not logged in directly to the box's cli. I think we're a long way from things

Using log and trigonometric tables.

It's kind of mid/late-20th-century. MUTANTS! CHILDREN OF THE ATOM!