
Wait, they actually call it the Coolidge effect? That's hilarious.

I'm going to have to argue with your inclusion of Se7en.

I thought its potential for flat out awesomeness went down the tubes around the time they killed the blonde animal-researcher CDC chick, a couple of episodes in.

His shift from Israel to Palestine is why one of the airliners hijacked by pro-Palestinian groups landed in Uganda, which led to the raid on "Entebbe"

Brilliant! I disapprove of vandalism, but this is hilarious.

The Little Mermaid was actually pretty revolutionary in the context of Disney animated princess movies.

Do antibiotics count?

Okay, not really, as far as I know, although I have heard that there's some weird hardware bits at the bottom of the pond.

And in Maynard, Massachusetts, there's the haunted mill pond near the old headquarters of Digital Equipment Corp where you can dive and find old hardware dotting the bottom of the pond and on some nights you can still hear the 36 bit machines whirring.

This needs descriptive critical text by Tom and Lorenzo.

After the first simulation, I was kinda skeptical about the episode, but it really managed to turn into a great episode.

Yeah, that's where my mind went first, too. It's not unheard of for natural deaths to not get reported so that Social Security or pension checks don't stop.

I played the original "Elite" game back in the 1980's and helped kickstarter "Elite:Dangerous", and the game is so far being all I wanted. Still rough and unfinished in a few places, but oh my FSM is it gorgeous.

The biggest outcome of the Pig War was that it settled the last bits of border between the US and Canada. The Kaiser helped broker the deal, which used the deepest point in the channels among the islands as the borders.

They really threw a few too many things into this miniseries. It had moments of "oh, that's cool" and entire segments of "really, guys? REALLY?"

Given the shape, I wonder if you could make it a directional Yagi antenna, too, so you can use it to home in on the AP.

Some say it was the first act of domestic terrorism.

Halifax sends Boston a big Christmas/Holiday tree as a thank-you for assistance Boston gave after the big Halifax explosion in 1917. Yay international cooperation!

TRIVIA: I HAVE NO UVULA. (It was removed as part of the same surgery that I had to remove my tonsils)