
It's the editing.

Regardless of who's in it, I think it would be hard to manage a Rosemary's Baby reboot - so much of it is of its time, and the isolation and oppression and ignorance just on the cusp of women's liberation.

Iiiiinteresting. I'm looking forward to seeing this.

Oh yeah. My take-away from "Inside Man" was that I wanted to see way more of what she was up to in general. I imagine that character as a cross between Olivia Pope from Scandal and The Wolf from Pulp Fiction.

I want to see Jodie Foster as some kind of hard-edged supervillain. Hell yes.

Can I take "C": "Kind of like Beanie Babies?"

I did for quite a while, but the humor took a turn towards being predominantly "mean" humor and/or humiliation-based, which... fuck that noise.

"Oh please", yourself, sweetie. After WWII, one of the "war crimes" we tried and convicted Japanese military folks of was waterboarding US troops. So, like I said, it's only a war crime if *other* people do it. I had thought they were only imprisoned for it, but that flaming liberal John McCain seems to think they

I first misread that as "rollerball" and was all "WOO! JONATHAN E!" but then realized my error. Clearly, I need to seek this film out.

"rich men defrost cryogenically frozen dead girls for "dates""

I have a list of films that I intend to never watch. "A Serbian Film" is in there, as are "Salo" and "Antichrist" and a few others listed here. I also don't plan to watch Philosophy of a Knife or Men Behind the Sun, both based on the hijinks (by which I mean atrocity-archive-level war crimes) at Unit 731

I read the books of blood while whacked out on heavy duty painkillers after getting my wisdom teeth out. I had some of the most amazing unpleasant yet beautiful dreams.

Remember! Like waterboarding, it's only a war crime or crime against humanity if *other* people do it.

See, that's one of my peeves with movies lately - it's all THIS IS YOUR DESTINY stuff as opposed to, say, THIS IS A THING YOU HAVE WORKED HARD AT or THIS IS A CASE OF ACCIDENTAL OPPORTUNITY ON YOUR PART.

On the other hand, I was way more psyched about watching Oblivion when I found out Melissa Leo was in it.

You have to make your own "PSSSHHHHT *whirrrrrr*" sound effects.



"Full many a flower is born to blush unseen, And waste its sweetness on the desert air."

Yeah, but that was several years after our two countries went to war over a pig.