
Is there? You may be right. It's been a while. Apologies for anyone who proceeded to watch Kyle Reese and Sarah Connor getting busy in their workplace.

Hey, remember the week that GWB talked about a Mars mission? It was in one of his state of the union speechs and them set aside days or perhaps moments later.


I have a great fondness for the sex scene in "Terminator". It's just yummy while still being entirely SFW.

Oh HELL yes.

Only with his wife.

Yes! I have a warm fuzzy place in my heart for the Beatles parody episode.

Oh God, yes. Another jaw dropped here.

Yeah, maybe not so much. I initially saw it during its initial run on Masterpiece Theater, and watched it a couple of times since. So good. Plus, Brian Blessed being BRIAN BLESSED.

Now I want to go watch "I, Claudius" again. So fabulous.

I saw this back in February at the Boston Science Fiction Movie Festival. I was really unimpressed and the movie completely didn't click for me. Avril seemed less like a character and more like a plot device, and the film was pretty much all about the men. My comment to someone back when I saw it was that "It was abo

Oh HELL yes. Such a great writer.

It turns out the church I mentioned is being moved tomorrow morning. INTERNET, I EXPECT YOUTUBE FOOTAGE OF THIS TO APPEAR MOMENTS AFTER THE WORK IS DONE.

I was just coming here to post a reference to that film. I thought that had a theatrical release, though...

Godspeed, Jade Rabbit!

So! It turns out that AMAZON will be the ones to create SkyNet.

Did they grab the soundtrack from "Left 4 Dead" there at the beginning?

Neat! You missed a couple in Cambridge, MA - four buildings moved in the space of less than 10 years on the same stretch of Mass Ave between Harvard and Porter Squares!