
It really sets the AWESOME FUCKING HUGO off nicely.

Yeah - I had read about an incident that happened at this year's PAX but misremembered some of the details - I had thought it had happened at an official PAX event rather than at a third-party-sponsored event.

Another good piece about harassment at cons that touches on the Readercon thing: http://nkjemisin.com/2012/09/things-people-need-to-understand-issue-223-2/

A nice round up!

This pic shows that Charlie Jane can really *really* accessorize like a BOSS NERD.

And here in the US, we diagnosed chattel slaves with "Drapetomania"

Wasn't some legislator in FL suggesting giving the unemployed capes a while back?

WOOHOO HUGO AWARD WINNING CHARLIE JANE ANDERS! (and congrats to the other winners and nominees)

Ew! ... but yum? but ew!

I nitpick because I care. It's like a variant on Moff's Law!

Also, there's been a resurgence in home-made soft drinks, somewhat hand in hand with the rise of homebrewed beer. Also also, sodastream making it easy to get carbonated water at home, with everything from homemade syrups to recipes to add the right mineral mix to replicate the flavor of your favorite sparkling

Takashi Miike's "Dead or Alive" is sort of cyberpunkish at the end - one character rips his own arm off and another causes some kind of big nuclear-level explosion that levels a city. (A bit "Akira"-esque, I think.) The opening scene is pretty awesome gangsters-driving-around-in-Tokyo stylish. Of course, being a

Neil (and Buzz) were such badassed pilots-of-doom they landed on the fucking moon and just kept working their checklist until it was done.

Huh! Sure enough, there have been a few:

Gorgeous graphic!

When I worked there, in Red West, I sat in that cafeteria and looked at the piece of the Berlin Wall and wondered just how many people had pissed on that thing in my cafeteria.

Oh hell yes. Squee-tastic.

We would've gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for THAT MEDDLING SHARKTOPUS!!