
If you want period-piece art-house genre stuff to take the bad taste out of your mouth, check out "Dimensions: A Line, A Loop, A Tangle of Threads" if you can. It's like Masterpiece Theatre did a time travel movie. http://dimensionsthemovie.com/

You had me at "Sigourney Weaver plays an evil vampire queen."

Indeed. And we didn't treat the ones who defected very well. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Pastorius

So Awesome.

This picture is awesome.

"It is very subtle"

And Jenny McCarthy's body count increases!

... assweasels? Those sound like they're worse than iceweasels. Probably smellier, too.

Fuck cancer.

I ... uh. I don't even know what.

6. Genetically engineered oil-eating superbugs

My first thought when it was obvious we had a second Henry was that now there was someone else for the Major to take into custody.

Okay, the news about Diana Rigg guesting on Who made me literally gasp and make a happy noise, here.

I assumed that the "unnaturally crestfallen" thing was just some kind of astroturf from the marketing company for the flick.

"Hanks has to struggle with his feelings for a woman who shares the first Gremlins: don't get them wet." I think the word "rule" should be in there. #corrections #initpickbecauseicare

I like it!

falling skies had one of the best expository opening credits i've seen in a while.


Oh, no, not cocaine. Rich white folks do that stuff. No, it's BATH SALTS, the new horrible thing that the media is writing about. Where "writing about" is mostly just "cut and paste the name into old articles about $drug_hysteria"