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    I gotta say, I find this conspiracy theory really gross and in poor taste considering that she miscarried at least once.

    They look a lot alike to me. I love how literally all of North’s expressions are pure unadulterated Kanye. She looks exactly like him.

    That old floor-shitter!

    Now that I think about it, I liked Perry in this too. It might just be the Sorkin I didn’t like, but it’s deep-fried Sorkin with Sorkin on the side, so.

    I don’t love Studio 60, but I love Sarah Paulson and Amanda Peet in Studio 60.

    Bernie will campaign for Hillary and make most of his bros see logic. Obama will be a big assist as well, since he and Hillz have a great relationship and he’s a very popular outgoing president. She’s not going to make Gore’s mistake. They’ve kept it professional and aboveboard, impressively so in comparison with the

    That’s not at all accurate. Laura Bush is a private and retiring woman who was not interested in public life. That’s why she was not heavily covered by the media - she did not seek to use their spotlight the way Michelle does and Hillary did, to different ends.

    When women are accusing a man of sexism, he should probably learn to listen better if he wants feminist cred.

    I agree that this isn’t worth making a fuss over, but that should start with Killer Mike quitting his own fussing, since he is the one who made the gaffe. I don’t think he needs to apologize, but he does need to stop insulting women who disagree with him and insisting that he’s the real feminist here.

    Sure, and Killer Mike can do that by shutting up about uteruses and talking about those issues. Instead of insulting women based on their appearance. Which he is currently doing.

    I agree, but Killer Mike is the one blowing it up by insisting repeatedly that he could never, ever be sexist and how dare you even imply that, he’s a FEMINIST. Followed up by... insulting a woman for her looks. To be fair, she insulted him first, but... he is proving nothing to me.

    I mean, the issue to me is that this is the hill Killer Mike is choosing to die on. IDC so much about the phrase - it’s mildly sexist, but whatever, I’m not demanding an apology - but I am always irritated when a man who has been is accused of sexism and in response spends hours arguing that actually he’s the feminist

    I don’t think it’s that big of a deal - it’s sexist, yeah, but it’s not egregious - but Killer Mike is not helping himself by insisting loudly and repeatedly that he could never be sexist, how dare you even suggest that he could be sexist, he was quoting a WOMAN after all! I don’t think a big serious apology is all

    this is cute, more of this please.

    She is AMAZING at manipulating the press and public. I don’t care about her movies but she is one of the best that ever lived at image management.

    Everyone knows that the most serious and productive social justice movements are held in the comments of throwaway Jezebel articles. This is where the real activist work is done. How dare you dilute this deeply important conversation with celebrity commentary. How dare you like Jim ROY 4EVA

    Danny is worse lately, but he has alllllllways been a jackass. Chris Messina is a tremendously talented actor who imbues the character with grumpy charm, but he’s never not had issues with consent and boundaries and just-plain-meanness, like, from the pilot. To me, the shift in his character is better grounded than a

    In this situation. You drop a name or two. Find the best sounding combination from the two sides. No big.

    Yeah, I wouldn’t vote for her, but I am sick of how polarized politics are in this country, and I can be with her with what she’s doing right now on Fox News. I admire that she is trying to make a very powerful organization that is basically white supremacist more diverse and less racist. I think the whole country

    I do have anxiety disorders and I am with you. This is about anxiety as a healthy function, which is important to understanding and diagnosing when anxiety becomes unhealthy.