
@Coup d’état: im so glad i'm not the only person who does/did this. When i was younger, I would sometimes forget I was black until some idiot would unceremoniously remind me I was the only one in whatever group of people I was playing with.

@noodleashy143: and don't forget that socialism is pretty much communism which they hate with an even greater fervor.

@schoolofloverboy: gah, me too. I've never been in a relationship either but have harbored crushes on guys for sooooo long and find I can't get over them until there's another one to replace him. Granted, I am acquaintances, or even friends, with these guys but I invest so much mentally into how perfect we would be

@AllieCaulfield: i haven't seen january much outside of Mad Men, but when she declined to perform rather major aspects (no impressions? seriously?) of her so-called profession, i have to wonder. I can understand not wanting to sing, she might be tone deaf. But at least show the audience that you're game for something

even after clicking the link, i was debating if this was Mary Louise Parker or Kate Beckinsale. Ashlee's dye job confuses me. #ashleesimpsonwentz

oh em gee! this is a part of my childhood that I would no sooner forget. I can't believe she still remembers their birthdays. "Something like 23 concerts" Bish plz, she knows that's the exact number! This clip was hilarious, I love gabby #gaboureysidibe

@heykoukla: not only that, but don't these companies necessarily market their wares to people who wouldn't want to (or can't) dress in them anyway. Isn't that the whole point of being aspirational clothing? It's exclusionary, in price and size, by design. #angelinajolie

@Leucadia: word. I like big belts as much as the next person but this is a bit over the top. #michelleobama

@wyndelyn: Oh cool. I had about three shots of espresso vodka a few weeks ago and it was was amazing. It such a better idea over red bull. You have a good recipe to suggest? #signalscatalog

obv there are sum technical difficulties. Since i won't be able to smoke up till tomorrow anyway, i guess this is a good thing. I guess. Harumph! #potpsychology

More media savvy means giving more coherent non-answer answers to stupid questions. #oprahwinfrey

I think this is a problem for much younger dudes. I even had a one night stand on my period and he wasn't fazed one bit even though I was. This is why I only mess with the over 25 set. #periodsex

@AlmostDream: while i agree with you for the most part, and I think Angelina is doing good as well, these adoptions are not always air-tight. There could be other family members who are alive and would have been willing to take care of the child. Living in the lap of luxury seems great, I would feel awful if either

@Tchotchke: it weirds me out too. It not only gives the impression that women are interchangeable, filling in a mold that is unlikely to change even over decades but that the molds are so effing similar. Bardot, Monroe Grace Kelly is another favorite for the imitators. There are no "glamorous" colored people it