Really appreciated, and enjoyed reading, all the patient responses you wrote, even though it look like RuthSlayder didn’t engage at all. Is there a democratic socialists of america chapter near you? If so, I hope you’re involved!
Really appreciated, and enjoyed reading, all the patient responses you wrote, even though it look like RuthSlayder didn’t engage at all. Is there a democratic socialists of america chapter near you? If so, I hope you’re involved!
This implies that folks, as they get older, are getting the benefits of a society. Since this is becoming less and less the case, I find this cliche will become less and less relevant.
That may have been true when there were unions and jobs were less precarious. Being a wage slave during the latest recession made me a socialist.
Apparently, he’s voluntarily celibate.
Don’t forget Sex Lies and Videotape. I don’t remember actual sex in the movie but it was still pretty hot.
Yay to still feeling young and also never hearing or seeing this before. THANK YOU
And also pay the people who are still doing it a LIVING wage.
This socialist wishes but laughs through tears in the meantime.
I should be packing for the weekend, but I’m a socialist and believe most of the bad -isms -phobias (sexism, racism, homophobia etc) are fortified by capitalist ideals. To me, and the socialists I role with, the elevation of private ownership and control is at odds with equality. I’m less concerned with obliterating…
There are many people who believe capitalism and feminism are incompatible, myself included.
Thanks for linking. I actually think it’s useful to read this stuff as a reminder what non-bigots face these days; to make people who assume bigotry is something that society will “age out of” realize that’s a preposterous idea. The current generation can’t let time to do it’s dirty work. These feelings and opinions…
“it’s not Trump’s fault that women are only worth 70% of a man!”
How do you know someone went to Harvard?
Honestly, some coconut creme based ice creams are as good or better than “real” ice cream. I think the deal breaker for me on turning vegan is cheese. They haven’t cracked the code on that one.
I can’t give enough stars to this recommendation.
My father is an Ethiopian immigrant and my mom was raised pretty bougie. Besides that, I sound like Toofer from 30 Rock. The N word coming out of my mouth sounds as offensive as it really is so I just don’t even go there.
New Zealand isn’t special. Woman don’t get to fully expressed their rights, the first and most important, bodily autonomy, anywhere in the world. It is only the level of expression which varies. In all countries, races, economic classes and education levels, it is this way.
Seriously, prosecuting teenagers for sharing nude pictures when all of them have at least 1 camera on them at all times is like shooting fish in a barrel. Great use of investigative resources!
It seems like a massive overreaction and waste of resources. How many actual predators are getting away with crime because two teenagers wanted to look at each other genitals. SHOCKER!
Can we please, PLEASE, stop saying that bigots are going to die off any day now? Slavery ended over 150 years ago and 2 months ago, some 21 year old asshole thought it was totally fine and dandy to kill 9 black people because he’s white and white people are still the MASTERS and since black people are subhuman…