Facebook was down on monday? I didn't even notice and for that, i'm proud of myself.
Facebook was down on monday? I didn't even notice and for that, i'm proud of myself.
It's like today there's two types of gamers. The kind that play games because of the story, characters. The exploring and discoveries in a game world. There's an appreciation. This is the type of gamer that will stop moving in a game to look around at the world and take it all in.
I admire these people who have the dedication to only stick to one game but I don't think I could ever be one of them.
Video games are changing. Increasingly, we're seeing a subset of players focus their attention on one single video…
Finally, is it just me, or is this the sort of thing Mass Effect would never dare to do? And people ask me why I like Dragon Age better.
Mmmmm.... yes this is pretty.
Well thank you, its nice to find a fellow fan.
Wow... This game and the ending... The haters are still bashing here. If you like ME3 but hate the ending then you shouldn't be posting this.
I for one, think that ME3 ending is the ONLY POSSIBLE WAY TO END THE STORY.
Are you my doppelganger? Because until recently thats been my exact experience with IX and other FF fans. I have no problem with others liking different titles its just too many fans of the popular titles seem to have this air of dickish superiority due to liking a popular FF. They'll berate you within seconds of not…
Whenever I've said I liked FF9 over ANY OTHER FF game, I always get the attitude from people that i've just killed their puppy. Mainly because I don't worship at the feet of FF7 like I'm "supposed" to. (By the way, I pretty much hate 7, but I get why its so important to people and why people can love it as much as…
I loved the whole series, even the original ending. Yes, the ending needed work, but it was still a great story in my opinion.
I grew up with guns, but was never allowed to have airsoft guns, paintball guns or anything more "toyish" than a cap gun or a water gun because my Dad was very serious about me never trivializing the act of shooting someone. I also didn't have a video game console. Of course I played loads of violent games at my…
I'm reminded of a time while I was playing Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway, it was just another mission in the world of video games. I had a squad of Germans pinned down behind a wall near a hedgerow and one of them broke cover and I shot him. He staggered and then collapsed.
Then something inside me just clicked. I…
Anyone else notice this game is basically self insert fanfiction simulator, I mean, I married Elizabeth from bioshock and we went to paris together. She is my waifu and she is MINE, Booker tried to get on with her but luckily she turned him down.
One of the tracks are very... Wreck It Ralph inspired :P
I've been browsing kotaku without a username for like 3 years, and I just created a profile to tell you it is not a gift, its a curse.
better be a Metroid game.
I count four unannounced Nintendo titles on there.
There is no difference between a "casual gamer" and a "gamer." Putting people into little boxes based on what makes people feel better about themselves is a stupid practice that serves to harm the industry overall. If your jams are Animal Crossing, The Sims and Freecell, you're a gamer. Get outta here with that…
I tried introducing my dad to Halo cus he was interested in what my brother and I were playing back then when we were 9-12 (secretly just making sure there were no tits since it was an M game). We handed him a controller and we learned a few new words when he tried doing anything xD "c'mere, ya little PRICK!" was and…