Ryan Mallett's Alarm Clock

I’m not picking up what you’re throwing down here. That gif is fucking hilarious.

it’s smarter to bet on heads/heads coming up when doing consecutive coin flips than heads/tails

A mathematician explains why it’s smarter to bet on heads/heads coming up when doing consecutive coin flips than heads/tails

White privilege

At least Curry had a good Father’s Day, he got to spend it playing basketball with his daddy.

You don’t even understand that burrito bowls are better how am I supposed to trust your sports takes now

except that a liberal arts major knows to put the period inside the quotation marks.

Now playing

An example of feline stalking/freezing instincts, even at play:

Not just cats. At my local zoo there is an enclosure for mountain gorillas. The silverback there has this habit of sitting by the large window while the visitor is watching and when the visitor turns away he then pounds on the wall scaring the person.

I thought bears usually try their best to avoid being exposed to the light. I guess those are just the Baylor ones.

Sorry if I have to be “that guy” but what I just watched is disgusting and never would have happened in the old days. It’s just not right and has no place in baseball.

“That’s not how you play hide the cigar...”

Thank you very much, but I’ll pass.

they’re equipped with a somewhat leathery outer skin (taste buds and all) and some cartilage and sinew at the base

Eh, I don’t think it was a bad year at the plate for him, judging by his waist size.

Why break precedent now.

Oh good, even our new writers have terrible opinions.