Ryan Mallett's Alarm Clock

Yes. Grown women. Not young girls.

Are you serious?

John Kasich might be a fan of Linkin Park, but in the end, it doesn’t even matter.

I visit this site during work, x out, forget, and visit it again five minutes later so let’s cool it on the “I’m adequate” talk

Really — you intuited the last unproven piece of general relativity when you were a child? Wow — what did you go on to do after that? How many Nobels you got there, bro?

That projection looks optimistic.

“How could I keep playing?” LaRoche told reporters. “They took away my youth.”

I guess that CarFax gig isn’t as comfortable as I thought.

Hittin’ threes on AND off the court

I don’t think you understand what a buzzer beater is.

YOU just made it about gender.

Conspiracy theorists still claim that the real dog is a sandwich.

Let me get this straight. This asshole works for his nice things by building companies and providing goods and services that people gladly pay him for and you go out of your way to shit on him. [Which is fair since, as I stated, he can be an asshole]

There was more effort on defense here than there is in an entire NBA season

So when will the brats be ready?

“Hey, that’s awesome! Congr...”

Have you....ever seen gazelles? They seem to be pretty much giving animals their natural physique.

For you, maybe.

Good to know that the Spanish for “hat trick” is “el hat trick”.

" what dire thing do you think will happen if your partner's genitals touch somebody else's genitals?"