It Can Buy Me a Truck

Or you can use a taut line hitch, a knot specifically designed to adjust and hold tension between two lines, with no extra pieces required, and no chance of a sharp piece of aluminum cutting through your line under load.

Maybe “ought-to pilot” is a better description of its current state.

One billion miles!

On the mustang it will be called push to crash.

Paid off my outstanding credit card debt with a big chunk of savings. Which, naturally, triggered a leak in my roof, thus erasing the rest of my savings. Now I am flat broke, but paying no interest, so yay?

Must have been a Cars and Coffee near the ramp.

I don’t know.

I will throw an extra amount this month at my mortgage. That saves me interest over the life of my loan. That is about all I can do this toward this challenge.

It was designed in foresight.

When I was a wee lad growing up in Atlanta, I saw a young man with a golden blonde mullet, and Oakley Razorblades jumping into a Dodge Dakota convertible, in the Disco Kroger parking lot.

It was simply the most amazing thing I have ever seen. If Jeep builds this truck, I’m growing a mullet - because I already have

Budgeting is probably the key. If you’re already assuming you’ll need those things, you can fit them into your budget, right? And in that case, I don’t think it would count as an impulse buy, because you planned for it and set the money aside. Any purchase you don’t really *need* and screws up your budget, on the

Gas Bill: Negotiated from .699 / Therm to .489 / Therm, a 30% decrease.