
That’s really a bad line to be towing in this day and age where time and time again we see companies raving about their record profits while laying off employees, reducing the quality of their products/services, and increasing the cost of said products and services.

I am just wondering what the thought process was for not driving on the other side of the road? 

That sign was violatin mah freedom !!! 

what are the odds that this wasn’t theft?

Is someone paying you to publish feeble-minded nonsense here or is this some sort of humiliation kink?

I’m starting to think that the imperative for “growth” at all costs may not be all that helpful to humankind.

Quick blame the unions like the bootlickers will.

Boeing is too big, has too much stuff under its umbrella. The duopoly of Airbus and Boeing is a real problem for aerospace. Trade liberalization/deregulation allows things like Boeing to keep trying to drive costs down by any means possible to show some kind of growth numbers - ie financial bullshit meant to keep the

Yeah I am sure unions can be blamed for all of Boeing’s problems! /s

but it also lacked redundant features (they cost additional $$ which many airlines skipped) that would mitigate the issue.

They have money, therefore they must have sense. I can’t believe how many people think that. 

Moe Tkacik ran this out more than 4 years ago. While Mr. Trump was president.

You’d think a guy who runs a company (several, even) that does more than one thing would realize that other companies can also do more than one thing at a time. And that, even if they do a thing that you don’t like, that thing you don’t like isn’t responsible for every single problem that has or will ever occur. They

I’m sure you were just as quick to pan the entirety of non-union labor when Tesla parts were falling off their cars.

I just can’t wrap my head around why anyone would listen to these fucking clowns or even think about giving them the attention they crave. Oh, right, because half the country is racist/sexist pricks and they will listen to any racist prick that echoes their sentiments. 

Unions usually call for more employees and more hours for workers to do quality control. Not sure how advocating for employee rights is a bad thing for safety when Boeings main goal is to make planes as fast as possible.

Shareholder profits at its finest.

You get what you pay for. If you want safe air travel pay for it. This is just a symptom of break your employees, enrich your c-suite capitalism.