
There are some serious dangerous times ahead if Trump gets back in power. There are going to be dangerous times ahead regardless, but if Trump wins in November, you can 100% be assured we will no longer have a democracy. 

Not just that, but the courts can’t take intent into account when determining immunity. So Trump could go on national TV, gloat about how he’d ordered the military to kill every Democrat in DC because they hurt his feelings, and as long as the kill order went through official channels it’s totally fine. It’s just an

To say all this, and the direction we’re seemingly slowly sliding towards is f’ up would be an understatement.

Based on Roberts’ interpretation of Trump and Pence conversation being an “official act” a president ordering a SEAL team to kill an opponent would be 100% immune because they would be talking about official acts as commander in chief ordering a military team to carry out a military act. So now we have legal grounds

We’re fuuuucked.

This may be a gift in disguise. This is essentially THE honest to goodness wedge issue the Dems needed.  And not ONLY that, it’s not based on false premises or made up panic to move the masses reasoning.  This is your honest to goodness clear and present danger.  Now the only way to put the presidency back under the

This SC is slowly transferring power to a minority bent on pushing their way unto everyone else. I will directly tell you to fuck off if you tell me ‘they threw it at Congress to make the law’. That’s bullshit. Congress will never agree, and they know it.  This is an end run. The latest barrage of SCOTUS decisions is

fuck this garbage country

We’re not making it to that Tricentennial.

This is Project 2025's big move. They NEED a strong president to be able to unilaterally make the changes they want to create their fascist utopia. It doesn’t matter that Biden is president now or if he wins this November; eventually a Republican will be president again and then it’s all over UNLESS people get their

Take me to court, bud. I look forward to your testimony in front of the court. I’m going to want the jury to hear my daughter testify and see the photos of her injury, she’s absolutely got the guts for it. I am, however, unclear at which point you will get charged with child neglect.

This exactly.

Exactly.  That is a personality defect that is not fixable.  She needs to leave him over this. 

Yeah, if that’s not a prank and I was the neighbor I would pay the guy’s deductible and wait for the car to get fixed and then immediately smash another window. No scratches or dents, just smash the window and put a doll in the car seat with “X” for eyes.

I join the chorus of people saying they hope this is made up, but... I have dated guys who were just that self centered. Too many of them too. Every single one of them was a giant walking:

The answer is obvious: the writer needs to get her own priorities straight, dump that asshole, and use the incident to get sole custody of the child!

Maggie Mull, with sympathy on the loss of her father Martin.

Please let this is a Prank.

Haven’t watched Masters of the Air yet (or anything with him), is Callum good? Can he play broken enough to play Case? and then we need to know who’s playing the Dixie Flatline. A million fancasts going back to at LEAST 1986 have been putting Harry Dean Stanton in, so, too late for that...But this is apple so they