So it needs a 12 on its saving throw vs Studio Accountants?
So it needs a 12 on its saving throw vs Studio Accountants?
I’m probably in the minority, but I am looking forward to this way more than Avatar 2 - the liquid boogaloo
It was accidentally streaming for about 12 hours there about a month ago!
I have the perfect quote for that:
Welcome to supply side econmics.
Inflation has always been fake.
It’s the love child of a DeLorean and an Audi Quattro, and I approve.
Supply and demand is always used to increase prices, but never seems to go the other way
The parable of the good Samaritan is about a man who helped someone who badly needed help and was being ignored by the people who should have been helping him; this story is literally the polar opposite of the parable, and a stark example of the absolute moral, ethical, and religious bankruptcy of the Republican Party…
You know, there’s something to be said for old fashioned percussive maintenance!
“So long and thanks for all the fish!”
Don’t worry Greg Abbott will pardon him. And the right wingers in Texas will make him a martyr of the cause.
Nothing says pro-life like actual murder.
When the dolphins up and leave, we should worry.
“Florida has five of the top 10 school districts in the country,” said Stephana Farrell, the director of research and insight at Florida Freedom to Read Project, “and, goddammit, this is absolutely unacceptable. We need to bring this troubling number down to zero as quickly as possible. The fate of our republic…
Where are all these fuckers going to go when their wives, mistresses, daughters, and daughters of friends need one? Do they go to Canada or something?
No experienced CEO would voluntarily board this sinking ship that’s also on fire.
Republicans are terrified of people voting.