
What else was to be expected from a news network that practices both sides journalism when there are no equivalencies to be drawn from how the two political parties are conducting themselves now? CNN tries to set themselves as a beacon of journalism, yet they parade out a bunch of liars to present arguments that

The mud wrestling part, yes. But it’s cute that you think facts matter to Trump and his supporters. 

DeSantis appears to be entering the terminal “Find Out” stage of “Fuck Around And Find Out”.

the moment that shitstain was elected, we were doomed. It showed the republicans how they can take over and the Democrats voters don’t seem to care (always vote in local and state elections. ALWAYS!!!)

It’s more an “enemy of my enemy” sort of situation.  I can’t imagine siding with Disney in almost anything, but damn if DeSantis didn’t find a way.

Their long term plan is to end democracy in America. They want to split America into smaller countries, so that they can run their states as they see fit. Restricting voter rights, making women and POC second class citizens (or simply property) and making their governments into theocracies with forced religion on the

I’d almost say we’re entitled to it, given the unfortunate dovetailing of Jon leaving TDS just as Shitsmear oozed down the escalator. And his only move would be reminding Jon his real name is Jewish. Which, I promise you, he would do 25 times in a 2 hour debate.

Oh man. I can dream. Stewart definitely wouldn’t be daunted by that POS.

Jon. Stewart.

Agreed. And it begins with a very simple first step: the control booth cuts his mic when others are speaking. Period. His chief tactic is to simply prattle on like a toddler, drowning out reason. The added visuals this would create, of an old asshole railing silently in the background, would just be the icing. 

They should hire some Dutch reporters. Look up footage of how Trump’s ambassador to the Netherlands was treated by the Dutch press. It. Was. Glorious. They do not take any of his shit. When he claims he did not make statements, they just shoved a tablet in his face showing footage of him saying it. Then later at a

In the almost eight years that Trump has been in the political arena, the media has learned next to nothing about how to cover him. They continue to embarrass themselves in ways that actively hurt American democracy.

The head of CNN is attempting to siphon off FauxNews viewers...

What the fuck is going on at CNN? They've descended to Chuck Todd levels of journalistic incompetence.

God it would be awesome if they just closed the Disney World gates and said “enjoy your 75,000 additional unemployment applications.”

There isn’t a long term plan. The only plan Republicans have ever had is to acquire the most cash and power to hurt people they disagree with. That’s it. They just want to be seen as powerful and to enjoy the benefits power and money bring. They’re basically evil parrots, saying anything at all so long as it gets them

Sorry broseph, but those ‘other parks’ have diverse employee bases as well AND Disney does have slightly larger brand than most of the others (combined). So, good luck in your objective to rid yourself of the Mouse’s House, but don’t be sad when all you’re left with is termites...

There isn’t a long term plan. It seems the entire state Republican machine is dedicated to fucking over anyone and everyone to propel Ol’ Pudding Fingers into his futile campaign to be a bigger dick than Donnie the Con, no matter the cost.

There is no long term plan except to stay elected. 

Kind of makes you wonder what exactly the long term plan of Florida Republicans is. The insane Boomers who are their voter base will be mostly dead in 20 years and at that point the state is going to screwed when rising sea levels send most of the state underwater.