Can we just fast forward to the part where AOC is President?
Can we just fast forward to the part where AOC is President?
It's only hearsay from a couple of friends in the business, but apparently new BMWs are being designed primarily for the Chinese market.
BMW’s Design philosophy - Normalize ugly through wealth.
Stephen Colbert was right. The truth DOES have a liberal bias.
The quality of the GOP candidates this cycle (did you see Mr. Stolen Valor in Ohio, lying about his service record??) is astounding.
Almost all are transparent to near infrared which this will almost certainly use for illumination at night.
I wish Katie Porter was on all the committees... I just love her
I actually half suspected that Manchin insisted on the local production requirements in order to suppress the market move to EVs. I wonder if he’s secretly disappointed to see so many manufacturers moving quickly to get into conformance with the new law.
Came here to post this. Well thought out, great outcome.
Can Andrew get sent north of the wall?
Clearly no one at Lexus NOSE what they’re doing in the styling department.
When Trump dies I plan to take a page from the book of this woman reacting to the death of Thatcher:
I’m desperately hoping for a real life Game of Thrones where all of them fight to the death. Harry and Meghan win, take all the money and disband the bullshit monarchy forever.
Nice job ignoring the point of my post to run through a laundry list of stupid, bad faith bigot talking points. What is actually wrong with you people?
This is ridiculous, and yet they decided that corporations are people, so who knows what will happen???
I’ll agree that a fetus can bring a lawsuit when you show me a fetus that can express its self-awareness.
Good reason to vote in November while it still matters.
Bold of you to assume they can actually read.
Or their graves. Most MAGA folks are headed that way soon enough.