
I don’t think it’s too much of an exaggeration to say that this ruined America.

a focus on quarterly profits rather than long term investment

I did not draw that type of conclusion. I view it more as someone who is a car guy, which likes his long-time owned old American car, seeing that the future of cars as EVs and is also excited for it.

Not being able to wear a tan suit.

-Polo shirt tucked into khakis

I want to see him pulling big smokey burnouts in The Beast.

The security restrictions on driving is the ONLY thing that has stopped me from becoming President. 

I assume Trump feels the same way about cars that he does about dogs and beer?

As far as bitter custody disputes go, even if this was done maliciously, it’s incredibly tame by any standard.

So the Supreme Court is prepared to rule that a state can arbitrarily condemn women to death, and doing so is not a violation of any aspect of the due process clause of either the 5th or 14th Amendment. Sure, makes sense to me.

Alito is probably scouring the Salem Witch Trials for his new legal precedent or something, the shitbag.

Only in the hellscape that is the United States as brought to you by the ghouls at the Federalist Society would we be having legitimate court battles on whether or not states can prevent doctors from performing abortions when lives are at risk. The judge in Texas who wrote about “the welfare of unborn children” must

Motherfucking sexual predators can afford a house and I’m still renting. The fuck.

I truly don’t understand the hate, here. Is it just the name? Because the rest of it sounds awesome and I wish more companies would produce something like this for people.

A moderate party that believes in free trade, reasonable regulations and tax law, environmentalism, futurism, public safety, and evidence-based policy exists.

So you’re “enraged” that the magazine didn’t overrule her wishes and force her to take the photos showing what she calls her “deformity” as though it was some fucking Elephant Man-esque “expose” to serve as a prop for your agenda...

The real answer, Nissan IDX, was already taken.  However it’s a shame that the Volkswagen BlueSport never saw the light of day - don’t know if it would have lived up to the hype of a modern 914 / true budget Porsche, but would have been cool to have another affordable-ish roadster option:

Lancia Fulvia from 2003.