“Tweets pointed out Kravitz’s past romantic relationship Ezra Miller, who has been accused of sexual abuse.”
“Tweets pointed out Kravitz’s past romantic relationship Ezra Miller, who has been accused of sexual abuse.”
What is this, a space station for ants?
They were “IndyCar” before the split in the early 1990s, through into 1995 with the awesome-looking, high performance turbo cars.
An out of control and irredeemably corrupt police force.
I feel like I need a shower after having read this.
“What the actual fuck is wrong with this country”. Citizens United.
How is this even allowed??? What the actual fuck is wrong with this country that grand conspiracies like this can be revealed about sitting justices, presidents, etc. and the general masses essentially huffs, shrugs their shoulders, and goes “Welp!”
Trump didn’t do anything the republicans weren’t already working on for decades. He was just the head of the pimple.
So, let me get this straight.
yes, let me just flee the country that has made it so that I’m “lucky” to work for not-enough-to-afford rent. Get fucked, idiot. If I had the means, of course I’d leave this fascist hellhole.
So. Destroy his reputation anyway. And prosecute Wray.
Couldn’t he be impeached?
Is there anything at all that anyone with some amount of authority can now do about this?
I’m as critical of Tesla as they come, but this is silly.
How is he even let in to a Town Hall armed? Was there no security? Even the NRA bans firearms from the speaking events.
The people who support the latter are just waiting for the go ahead to shoot the rest of us.
Would this guy be okay with passing a federal law that mandates all boys have vasectomies that will only be reversed once they provide proof of marriage?
Because there are no consequences for him doing so, that is why it is acceptable.
Kind of telling that he doesn’t connect a growing popular dislike of his religion with his own effing behavior. A true autocrat.
How on earth is acceptable for a sitting SCOTUS justice to overtly state that he makes decisions from a traditional Christian point of view? Quite aside from him making pointed political statements in a fucking victory lap, the really troubling thing to me is that he’s at a religious summit at all.