My Go-To for a while now has been: “People are stupid” Now, I think it changes to: “People are awful”
My Go-To for a while now has been: “People are stupid” Now, I think it changes to: “People are awful”
What idiot in charge at BMW looked at the 2 series and said:”Yeah, that’s what our premium sedan needs to look like?”
These all SUCK because they steal form the original animators and artists. Fuck Disney(Other than when they’re sticking it to DeSantis. Enemy of my enemy etc...)
Becuase some egotistical greedy aholes decided to take their one race and stick it to the series that was actually good. That series then hired a line of morons that destroyed their bright future and eventually folded into the crapwagon series that is Indycar. There’s a lot of blame to go around but it starts with…
The interface being software driven, there is no excuse to not allow it to be customized to the users tastes within reason.
I hope you can set a permanent default for it as well
Well, fuck.
I have gotten to really enjoy one pedal driving in my Tesla. After years of driving I discovered our eGolf had a “Brake” setting that provided a similar experience. I won’t own an EV that doesn’t have automatic, regenerative “braking.” If I feel the need for more interaction I’ll drive my E28.
That regen reset thing sounds like a stupid own goal on Audi’s part. Would be a deal breaker for me.
It has been said much of the violence in the middle east will end when “Mothers decide they love their sons more than they hate their enemies.” This is where rethuglicans are now, allowing hate to overcome love.
They are super nerdy cool as hell!
How things should be and how they are are two different things. You can sniff about Legacies all you want but the rest of us are stuck with the realities of these people’s decisions. When their decisions lead to the pain and suffering of people, directly or indirectly, you bet they count towards their legacies. You…
The greedy stupids will be the end of us all...
The ledger sheet on her life’s work. These latest actions are definitely in negative column.
Jesus, tap dancing, Christ RESIGN already! You are doing way more damage to your legacy by clinging pitifully to your seat. Even Saint Ginsberg has gotten a lot of heat for her decision to stay on too long.
Tragic. The issue with Pitbulls isn’t that they’re all dangerous. I have meet many kind and wonderful ones. The issue is that when you do come across a dangerous one it can be deadly. Yes, Chihuahuas may bite more often but it’s never life threatening. Not sure what the answer is but I will always approach them very…
The fuckery has gotten so far out of control I feel like we now need a stronger phrase than “Fuck you” now. What could that be?
Perfect place for it. Now the rest of us don’t need to look at that ugly POS.
How these brave women didn’t jump straight across the tables to beat these callous ingrates senseless is beyond me.
My understanding, at least with BMW, is that the dealer can NOT advertise a car as CPO’d unless they have actually done the CPO process. In addition they can not do a CPO later after the car has been put up for sale.