Perp walk! Perp walk! Perp walk!
Perp walk! Perp walk! Perp walk!
Follow the money. Like everything from corporations and their reach around enablers in the rethuglican party, this is only about them making more money. Safety is a concern only for th “Poors” who can’t afford to avoid the issue.
Fuck Yeah!
Still miss seeing new Saabs on the road.
You know Thomas is just cackling about this as he knows he is untouchable and has previously stated his primary goal is to piss of “The Libs.” Infuriating how these shameless, corrupt assholes are absolutely wrecking this country by turning all public discourse into a zero sum “Win or Lose” standoff.
The world is such a better place because Belafonte was in it. Music is better and people are just a little freer. I think that’s the best legacy anyone can leave after 96 years on Earth.
My wife may be right: I might very well have a heart attack from my anger at all this absolute bullshit being inflicted upon women. Lucky for me I won’t have to wait in the parking lot to get treated.
Not only are they caught in the corruption but also the lying about it. Just like Nixon, its not just the crime, it’s the cover up.
Yeah, really stupid list. Couldn’t believe they left the Ruf out let alone no Sabine. morons.
Far too much of this list: These two cars are painted the same colors so they look the same!
Yeah, try “Better” instead of “Gorgeous.” For starters all that tacky “Surface Excitement” on the side of the car is holding it well out of “Gorgeous” territory.
Feinstein is causing way more harm to her legacy by clinging to her position for a few more months. By gracefully exiting she would be lauded for such a brave decision. Currently she is a prime example of what is wrong with the system by putting a literal death grip on power vs. doing the best thing for her…
Actually came here for this. This latest gen DBS is an amateurish mess compared to the previous one.
Very first “Coupe¨ SUV that looks right.
GT 2 for me. I think that was the last one where the reward cars actually made sense as they could be used for the next level championship.
Well, the asshole who rear ended my wife a couple months ago is now claiming it wasn’t his fault. People have a strange view of reality. That, or they’re fuckin’ liars.
Once again corporations gouging the eff out of us whilst blaming Inflation/Supply issues/Anything but their own greed, and we just shrug. Go watch Jon Stewart’s episode about how the only entities not taking a hit on inflation are big money corporate America and, in fact, are profiting hugely off of it. California…
Hollywood is full of fuckin’ weirdos.
Maybe seeing Gaetz talk the walk would be more so...
THIS. When it was introduced it had a comically small DLO and was just another in the long line a cartoonish GM designs decisions: Saving defeat from the jaws of victory.