
WTF is his deal? Ummmm, he’s a republican?

Still not used to that “Godzilla stomped” front end. The A pillars are just too laid back for my tastes. Car looks like a bad GTA vehicle.

From a story and personal stand point she was a bad choice to be the next Black Panther.

Such a cool little car and a nice evolution of the first one. Looking forward to seeing more of them on the road again. Maybe they’ll bring the Abarth version of the EV over too?

The rake on that windshield is a bit extreme... Looks like someone big stepped on it.

Does the LAFD one get the 4 wheel steering evident on the Berlin one?

Love this. Still miss my manual Mazda 5.

Just so you know: The guy who designed the Animated Batmobile is Shayne Poindexter. Prop designer for the original animated series and others. And yes, Kevin was the very best batman.

Meh, was expecting more. looks like a warmed over current XC90. Now that design is brilliant as it still looks great after all these years but this should have been more of a departure. In fact, its fussy details make it not as nice as current.

Wow, some nice, sophisticated styling there. Such a nice break from the random surfacing afflicting so many new cars these days.

Better. That DLO between the C and D pillar is a bit random but over all it’s a much more coherent design from Honda. No PHEV though, no care. It is shocking how the once vaunted Honda engineering department has all but disappeared from their development.

Yet even the “liberal” press will not let go of the negative narrative of his health as opposed to highlighting Oz’s reprehensible policies. Infuriating that the press refuses to take a stand on the danger to our democracy the rethuglican party as a whole represents now. They don’t care about the very dangerous outcome

Kamala is a lovely person and was once my pick for President. She has not risen to the occasion as VP though.

Exhuasting that “Our side” is so full of lazy whiners with the attention span of a gnat. Get your head out of your phone and look around at the precipitant impending fall of our democracy! Do the bare minimum: VOTE!

Why put a giant “grill” on the front of that thing and then entirely close it off? Laziest designers ever.

Too many designers ignore the question: “What happens when it goes wrong?” Apple used to really get this, not so much any more. The Homelink on my Tesla has GPS activated buttons that pop up when I’m close to my gate or garage. All three used to show up. In the latest update they changed it so only specific ones pop

I’m really hoping she is the one cast as the new Black Panther despite what the trailer is “Showing.”

Fucking. Moron.

You win with this one...

What the actual fuck? They had this choice available to them but they went with the Hitler car for backdrop? Please get everyone with working intelligence out to vote this midterm.