Also, we both might be expecting a bit too much from a blog post haha
Also, we both might be expecting a bit too much from a blog post haha
Only in your mind am I seeking to absolve Hertz. Once again: I just want to know more details on how it escalated so quickly beyond just shouting “Racsim!” I seems obvious that racism was an important factor but even the bare minimum of good journalism is providing all the relevant facts to back that up. There is far…
It is INSANE that this misogynist dumb shit is even a viable candidate let alone neck and neck with Warnock. There is so much to be depressed about in the upcoming midterms. I spread money far and wide only to keep hearing the rethuglicans are going to win. I still hold out hope the women pissed about the loss of body…
How about, instead of making rules to try and correct bad driving, we make the licensing process more rigorous? Driving is not a right, it is a privilege and should be treated as such. You want to steer a ton of metal down the road maybe you should have more knowledge and training in doing so capably and responsibly.
Go ahead and check my history to see where I land on the outrageous history of police “interactions” with people of color. Am I missing it? Where does it say she was Black? Assumption based on name? There is a lot more to his story as the facts presented lack any contextual information to help us understand the stupid …
This is the hill you want to die on? Did she just leave the premises after that statement? Did she offer any proof beyond that statement about her reservation? Was that the extent of their conversation? Was she told the police were called? How did she get off the property if there was some conflict? Did the Employee…
There is a ton of daylight between “Telling them to check her reservation” and “Employee called cops” if you care to comprehend it.
Jesus, some more details please? Did she blow off the employee and just drive off? Did the employee let her go? After getting arrested once did they not tell her she needed to come to court again? Could you do the bare minimum to get us more context?
And still not nearly as innovative or iconic as the original.
Really hope this is classic Marvel misdirection and Nakia is the Black Panther
So these assholes have, literally, taken to torturing puppies yet still have a decent chance of winning their races?
Wait, it wasn’t a Tesla? Why are you even reporting on this?
Yep, it’s the second one that really gets you. My son got a concussion after his dumb-ass soccer coach sent him back into a practice scrimmage after taking a few minutes on the sideline following a head shot and he took another one. ( To my eternal regret I wasn’t there to stop it) Stupid coaches have caused way more…
Yes, this has been the assumption for years.
WTF is wrong with the stylists at BMW? This thing has zero style, its just graceless anger. It makes me sad how ugly their latest automobiles are.
The fact this cretin still has a reasonable chance to win his election is such a sad statement of our country.
Just once I would like to see a public figure turn to one of these screeching morons on the right and tell them:”Calm yourself you fucking moron, just because you believe it, doesn’t make it so. Provide scientifically proven facts to back your point of view or STFU. Now please let the adults carry on an honest…
Oh, yes he’s a grade A asshole, but you know what? She needs to just answer the fuckin’ question. Before going into that “What’s in your heart” noise put him 6 feet under with the correct answers to his facetious question. The funny thing is AOC is usually really good about doing just that. So sick of politcal…
Wow. It’s like Biden’s plan is actually working to benefit the American workers and economy...