
I don’t know if you’re familiar with Lorne Michaels but liberal he is not.  

I, a 32 year old, recently subscribed to Teen Vogue because of the articles I’ve been seeing them publish over the last year+. It was only $5!

Now playing

Oh, I thought it was put together by this firm:

I was going to say (as someone who has worked in advertising my whole career) that this seems exactly like an idea a client would come up with.

The best part about this being in-house is that they have to stand by it and double down because they don’t have an agency to blame/fire.

It’s where I display my collection of Tori Spelling books. No joke.

This is why so many people voted for — and continue to support — Trump even as he promised to gut the programs they depend on for survival. They honestly believe there’s a fundamental difference between the “good” programs for (white) people in “legitimate need” that keep them afloat and the programs that exist to

I love how “working-class” is a term to mean white and employed in manufacturing, repair services, energy production, agricultural production, or police and emergency services. God bless those people. They’re the salt of the earth.

Yes yes yes. These dumbasses thought Obamacare was something different from the ACA and now that they have learned it’s the same fucking thing, suddenly it’s “don’t take away my healthcare!” They were fine taking it away from the mythical lazy negroes and Mexicans, though, of course.

He and Matt Damon should take a class together.

Aaron Sorkin is genuinely the worst kind of liberal; he is so insistent that both he, and his fellow travelers, are neutral and color-blind that he repeatedly marginalizes women and minorities in an attempt to keep pretending that he’s the good guy and it’s those other guys that are the bad ones. Because if you keep

Rewatch the West Wing knowing what you know now. You’ll see it.

This is what happens when a president has no interest in policy whatsoever. He’s letting the patients run the asylum while he’s busy watching cable news, tweeting, and golfing. I guess we shouldn’t be surprised because he never had any coherent thoughts or proposals during the campaign.


I have no doubts in my mind that Waffle House is under better “management” than the American public is.

Whothefuck is Steven Crowder?

Dude, that woman has cool glasses, a sassy haircut, and a nice suit jacket. I’ll bet she’s somewhere right now living her best life and not giving a single fuck.

Anthony Weiner not being dead in a ditch or renditioned to a black site in Yemen is proof that Hillary ain’t killed nobody.