
But tech companies know how to analyze and exploit your financial data in a way that banks haven’t yet done, according to Bankrate. They can use your data to tailor other product offerings to your financial habits. They’re hoping to be a one-stop shop for consumers.

Unless you’re currently using Gumys, I dunno if buying Beats really counts as “upgrading.”

This has been my policy for that past three years. I just don’t trust game companies anymore, they seem to be incapable of delivering a complete product on release. It was the best decision ever. I’m saving money and playing the best possible version of each game. If you’re willing to wait it’s a win-win situation.

Ah yes, the ol “promises” canard. There’s still a sad group of people who thnk showing something in a trailer two years before release constitutes a “promise.” And then when it’s not released with that in the game, they are accused of breaking their “promises”.

I understand the sentiment, but I’d rather they focus on the general animal AI (seeing stuff like herds and intelligent predators and such) rather than them spending that time and effort getting something so specific and ostensibly rare.

That last thing Hello Games should be doing now is overextending themselves.

Because the combat is kinda bad in general. There’s no point in focusing on that.

I tried to play the demo for one of these and I just felt like a giant scumbag when I shot the first animal in the game. It wasn’t hurting me, I wasn’t going to eat it, and it wasn’t even real, but I actually felt guilt for doing it. I don’t get why people are so determined to kill things that pose no danger to them

She’s seen some shit, man. You don’t even know.

She looks horrified

Hunters look like this, not like hipsters!

Best practice for me is Naughty Dog style, where the DLCs even stand alone from the main game. Or Witcher 3 where they are significant portions adding new mechanics and areas.

Worst case, the first DLC I ever encountered... the infamous Prince of Persia, the real ending was on the DLC. What a bummer.

True, because he is the other 10% of the time.

It’s Norman Osborn. It’s always Norman Osborn. Whenever somebody’s fucking with Peter, 90% of the time it’s Norman Osborn.

so wait, what do you buy, like knockoff consoles from mall kiosks?

This reminds me of one of the best video game franchises in history, how awful

You’re not reminding marvel tho. You’re on kotaku. I remember you from that other spider article. Just let it go!

Did you play Spiderman 2...13 years ago? Had a VERY similar counter mechanic to the Arkham series. Icon above spiderman’s head indicating spider sense, press Y to dodge and counter...

Your comment seems contradictory? It’s not a pre-order. If it was a preorder, your get your money back, or better yet you wouldn’t pay at all until the product was delivered.