
Makes sense considering I just bought a PS5 not too long ago. You’re welcome everyone else.

This is the worst possible way to do it. The entire point is to hate Abby the way Ellie does and THEN seeing the other side 

running cover for billion-dollar companies? lmao

silence, bootlicker!

As a dad of two young boys, this drives me crazy. Just fucking live and don’t hurt anyone. Nothing else. You want to play Tetris? Fucking play it until your fingers bleed. You want to ride your bike? Ride it. I will never understand people’s need to downplay a kid’s (or an adult’s) passions. My parents had me second

Obviously its three birds to signify the holy trinity, meaning the main character will be Jesus.

I don’t know, two games in a decade, with one remake and two remasters, doesn’t feel like anything close to “fatigue” to me. We have had CoD on an annual release for longer than that, and during the same period we had 7 Assassin’s Creed games, 5 Far Cry games, none of which really came close to being GoTYs or anything

+1 to my prescient ability trait.

The only people you have on your side are religious zealots. The science says you’re wrong. Trans people are real. Gay and lesbian people are real too. They’re all minorities, but they are indeed a natural part of human diversity. If you want to argue that your religion considers them sinners, go ahead. But you can’t

I’d question how much impact JK’s grotesque personal views put audiences off versus the quick realisation Fantastic Beasts was dreary bullshít about magical race wars & bad Dumbledore fan-fiction. I’m not surprised the Box OFfices cratered after number 1 when people realised this series was a load of pretentious,

People in these comments are so worried if Hamas earned the Terrorist Organization name yet, while nobody dares call the Terrorist State of Israel by its full name. If we’re going by the count of bombings, hostage taking, torture, mass shootings, global propaganda production, or any other metric, the terrorist state

Are you also keeping score regarding all the innocent people Israel has killed?

Therapy is a place where you’re supposed to be safe enough to reveal your honest feelings and impressions and thoughts not have them dragged out for the world to dissect and gossip over.

If it helps with the cognitive dissonance, police unions are not real unions ;)

When has brain drain ever caused problems except every time?

Solidarity, comrades!

Lotta bootlickers in the greys. Stay safe down there, folks.

I don’t think Sony is going anywhere. The only losers here are the gamers. 

For real. I’m not a Cavill fan and I thought his casting was dreadful, until I watched the show, and then it was blatantly apparent that he was Geralt. Doug Cockle aping notwithstanding, the man just so clearly has dedicated his whole being to embodying the character.

Tell us you haven’t watched it without saying you haven’t watched it...

Firstly, it was a miserable mess of being dragged by the nostrils through its godawful story, with almost no actual tomb raiding, incessant hateful cutscenes, and almost no puzzles. Then there was the shitty rape scene opener, the racist characterisations, and the absolute betrayal of Lara as a character by having her