
I know what I’m showing up in tomorrow.

I, for some reason, found this incredibly funny. Its like, you know he would prefer something else, but you punish him because he isn’t personally shopping.


Sorry but this is a horseshit opinion. Coke Zero tastes a lot different from Diet Coke, it’s sweeter and has that spicy, slightly citrusy flavor to it like Coca-Cola whereas Diet Coke does not. (The “base formula” of Coke Zero is the original Coke formula whereas the base formula of Diet Coke was and is the New Coke

I have had two people in my life with brain tumors, so as much as I dislike McCain’s politics (seriously, he talks a more-centrist game yet votes the fucking party line almost every damn time - be honest that you’re licking the GOP’s boots, man), I had sympathy for him and his family. Brain tumors are horrifying, and

Use a longer lens...telephoto lenses compress space so it’s easier to make two people look closer to each other with a 200mm lens than with a 16mm lens. Obviously, the photographer has to be further away but still...

I’m a smidge over 5'4". My wedding is coming up soon and all of my groomsmen are 6ft+. One is 6'5". My wedding photos are going to be hilarious. I imagine it will look something similar Tyrion hanging out with his family.

Or this guy’s a genius at photoshopping your photos to do exactly what you want.

It’s true! Before the surgery his Kinja name was just “Seth”!

Yes, I simply cannot imagine the Democrats running a candidate whose spouse has a less-than-stellar record.

I applied half a year ago for some positions and never heard back :( I have years of experience in production and credits as director, dp, editor and colorist. Have been featured in shortlists at Cannes Lion and other film fests. Still heard nothing back. What kind of person are you guys looking for really?! lol

As an American Arab woman, I really don’t understand the American idea that Arabs and Indians are interchangable. They don’t look at all the same, much less have the same culture or language. Is it just that some Arabs and some Indians wear “turbans”? This “Middle Eastern or Indian” search is really some messed up

Well, thank God I have the permission of a NYT critic to do something.

I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize how bad it was. As other people have commented here, this goes well beyond infantilization, into the realm of full-on literal abuse. Taking control of your finances, telling you that the police are on their side rather than yours and that you can’t trust outside observers like


Governor thats not just....thats abuse. You dont have access to your own money?

“25+ hours to get it playable”
What could this possibly mean? Did you try to make it work on a Dreamcast?

I’m still out on whether the game merits $60 under normal circumstances, but my girlfriend dumped me a couple days before the release. $60 was well worth being able to quiet some of the negative feelings and thoughts that come during a break-up period so I can parse them better. The game really is good for chilling.

“Because remember kids, a game isn’t worth full-retail if it gives you months, years worth of consistent enjoyment. Only if it has the obligatory 6 hour campaign, multi-player mode, and every other AAA checkbox ticked off”