
Its actually a good thing, if they just rushed out to every manufacturer they could find, we would be getting a bunch of crappy cards that break in 3 months

Absolutely. It really depends on the game and especially depends on the engine and how it was developed. Usually, (but not always) the GPU only renders graphics, so things like AI, Game Logic, Sound, etc are all handled on the CPU. Games that have a lot of active units at once tend to be CPU intensive, like RTS games

I have been far more devastated by the loss of a randomly generated FTL crew member than by the death of pretty much any scripted game character. Having actual interactions with an NPC can be so much more immersive and meaningful than watching a meticulously crafted animation of someone regurgitating plot points at you

I felt that the Bioshock games were a little imbalanced in terms of storytelling. The heavily scripted story clashed with the more open ended gameplay design, I feel they would have been more enjoyable as a more linear experience. The open level design and emphasis on exploring every nook and cranny felt at odds with

Thank you for perfectly explaining why I don’t like loot based games. Back in the day I loved Diablo style games, but after awhile the grind became too apparent. I didn’t care about new loot, because no matter how good it was, I was going to find something better eventually. And when I finally did get the high level

Even then it doesnt always work. A few days ago I killed the entire enemy team in about 6 seconds with a well timed Roadhog ult, and play of the game went to a Bastion double kill.

This is exactly why I didn’t get the game. A level system and shooter mechanics do not mix well. A skilled player at level 1 should be able to take on a level 100 player and have a chance to win.

There are tons of improvements that could be made to Mario Maker, and most of them have nothing to do with the actual stage creation aspect. What nintendo needs to do is provide better options for sharing levels and promoting quality content. There are tons of games and websites focused on this that Nintendo could

Honestly I’m kinda glad they dropped the games. It was exciting for awhile, but got less and less cool over time as the rewards and deals became more and more mediocre. Its become far more hassle than its worth IMO

I’m glad somebody said it, feels like every unique or interesting AAA game (regardless of what system it was released on) was ripped off from an indie PC game

PCs ARE capable of doing anything that a console is. Nearly every console peripheral ever made can be plugged into a modern PC and used. USB adapters are available for pretty much every type of controller port, from NES to WiiU. If there is an existing peripheral that hasn’t been used on a PC at some point, its only

There are always patches... Its becoming standard procedure for me to wait a few weeks before buying a game

“Foremost, it remains surprising that it’s, you know, good.”
Why is that a surprise? There haven’t been any bad Doom games. Sure, Doom 3 wasn’t super popular, but it wasn’t a ‘bad’ game. It still holds up quite well as an enjoyable experience, over ten years later.

Fallout 4 was essentially a tech improvement period for Bethesda. Features like weapon modding, settlement building, and making the gunplay feel right were all significant investments of time and money. From a purely technical perspective, I think Fallout 4 is the biggest step Bethesda has made since adding physics to

I hope the gum wall is the only part of pike place that survives the apocalypse. that would be great

See thats the problem, prior to Fallout 3, the real fallout games were remarkable primarily because they were fantastic RPGs. I personally really enjoyed Fallout 4, but it was missing a lot of the things that make a game a Fallout game. I would say Fallout 4 is an amazing Far Cry game

I agree, finding great bugs is by far the best part of QA testing. Whenever someone found a good bug the other testers would all come to check it out and laugh at whatever craziness was going on. Hating bugs in all shapes and forms seems an unlikely quality for a QA tester

Smear frames can definitely be used in games to great effect, but they aren’t always the best choice. Generally smear frames only work from a fixed perspective, and will look bad when viewed from any other angle. I’m curious whether Blizzard uses them much in-game. I imagine they are mostly limited to situations where

Seriously, of all the complaints leveled at Fallout 4, this is one of the lamest I have ever heard. Who would have thought that a game about exploration and discovery might actually expect you to explore and discover things?

The fact that anyone cares enough to make this big of a deal about it is hilarious to me. Even if their allegations are true, so what? Its a game review, not international political policy. Nobodies lives are going to be seriously affected, and it would have at best a minor affect on sales, as most people who take