
While definitely not as good as Tribes 2, Tribes Ascend didn’t suck. It got most of the weapons and movement right. They screwed it up by using a free-to-play model, but that has been fixed and the game is much better now for it. They also removed the class limitations so its back to the classic light/medium/heavy

Thats what i was thinking. At least bring in ONE original idea, this is just shameless

I feel like I am the only person who is looking forward to Federation Force. Granted, I would much prefer an actual Metroid game, (Ideally 2D, but 3D is cool too) but what Federation Force does provide looks pretty fun. It would be nice to have a decent shooter on 3DS

I was SO disappointed in battle mode for MK8. They didnt even put in actual maps, you just drove around the racetracks with baloons instead of a time limit. I can understand not implementing things like the magnet tracks and hang gliders, because doing things is hard, but at the very least they should have thrown in

I dont feel like rocket league would work without being able to rotate about all axes. The physics is a core component of the gameplay, and changing it that significantly would result in a very different game.

STALKER is so good. I remember buying that game the Friday after it came out, and I finished it Sunday afternoon. 30+ hours of pure gaming bliss in a single weekend. Sure it was buggy, but that didn’t stop me for a second.

Because Nintendo thinks its customers are slobbering idiots who couldn’t figure out how to pour water out of a cup.

There are way better ways to filter out crap levels than deleting them. Give the users rating and filtering options so that they can choose for themselves what is an acceptable quality level.

So glad that era is ending, good riddance to boring “hide behind the box until the red vision goes away” gameplay. All of my favorite shooters have a strong emphasis on skilled movement. Tribes anyone?

Visually it looks a lot like Halo, but the movement speed is way to fast to play like Halo. Halo is more focused on slower tank-ier combat, where charging into the fray is the best way to get destroyed.

Usually when I see Chris Vrenna’s name pop up, its in a Need For Speed game. I think he may mostly work with EA now