
I mean, he is also taking his policy direction from Sean effing Hannity

Thank goodness there are still groups that help in these ways. If the world were just, we would all be trying to do good deeds like this but alas there are far too few who do.

about the best I’ve found is Vice, but there is not near as much content.  The creators are awful people but they have some good writers/reporters on the staff.

I still can’t fathom why some left leaning billionaire didn’t come in and buy Deadspin? The site was profitable and there was a wealth of talented writers there. The publicity from buying it in and of itself would have driven even more traffic to the site. Seems like it would have  been a win/win for all parties.


Yes exactly. Also, like the lottery it is mostly a tax on the poor.

pretty much everything about evangelical Christianity is exploitative, hell they basically run infomercials every Sunday in which they ask for money in exchange for...hope.  

It’s just a case of old privileged white guy doesn’t like when other old privileged white guy is held accountable. He is stupid and wrong and will continue to make bad faith arguments when it benefits people similar to him. He is essentially still the republican he was before just not leaning into the racism and

and yet somehow his cult members think he is playing 12 dimensional chess

I love how they are all looking in different directions

The video of this was the best thing I’ve seen since 2016. Since I am in Texas, there were of course lots of racist rednecks with a differing view. One of them retweeted the video with a comment along the lines of “ So sad that the President that has done the most is treated the worst because the media tells people to

since 2016 I’ve been doubting everything I knew before

I’ve also read some tweets that said the water is there to start out to keep the cat from just laying down

Are you telling me that Cinderblock is a play calling genius too?

I’m sure she would just go back to the very important work that got her approved for an Einstein visa, it was nude modeling I believe.

He’s not even that popular in many rural areas anymore. All his campaign lies are no being made evident even to many in rural areas. His rallies are not really indicative of any given area either because many of the attendees travel around to his rallies like they are Ren fairs.

and don’t forget the the i don’t really care jacket on a trip to see immigrant children in cages

Wasn’t that Pence

Hell, he might start a war with Iran just to have a reason not to go
