
I saw a piece a few weeks back about how people are losing their asses trying to dump apartments in Trump Tower now but they are taking the losses just to get out.

Jesse Ventura tried to lead the wrestlers to unionization in the 80s but Vince crushed it by threatening to fire any wrestler that got on board.


I’m just surprised FitTea or the like aren’t clamoring to build their white supremacist base

you hate to see it

The old Captain Hook quandry

I am at a loss about this as well. When I used to work with investment bankers in NY he was a literal punchline. If you brought his name up regarding any kind of deal you would get laughed out of the room.  I can’t for the life of me figure out why it’s any different with the GOP and Media.

It’s some sort of weird Stockholm syndrome

You missed Liberal George further up the comments cgo

pretty sure it is tomato

Billy Bob’s has expanded to other genres now, you could get a booking there.

Make gas lamps great again!

Exactly, that’s why he’s gonna bring em back and make em great again!

Ron Mexico!

My guess was Dennis Rodman

Chrissy is my lord and savior!

the only thing i regret is that I could only like and retweet her tweet one time

See, don’t you feel better already?

Troops! Anthem! Freedom! ‘Merica!

And don’t forget the old adage, “I AM JOHN MCCAIN’S DAUGHTER!