
I think you just hit the nail on the head right there... For-profit news... As a history teacher, I’m always trying to get kids to think for themselves and be objective, critical thinkers. I truly feel like human bias is in an upswing of the pendulum right now, and the best way to see the truth is to get news from


The problem is that it is not either or. A skyscraper is a very specific solution to sprawl. There are other solutions that are better.

I get where you’re coming from, but when iOS’s App Store came out, we regularly saw games and apps priced where they could be “bought once”.

My go to long 4-words password and the simple 1-word password hints in case I forgot the actual password is by naming a place I’ve been to or experienced as the hint, with the place description that’s unique to my perspective as the password.

Rick & Morty is just... insufferable. The only thing more insufferable than the show are its most zealous fans.

That doesn’t seem like a fair characterization at all; clearly I also hate the same things they hate.

I’m a big fan of using an algorithm to determine my password. If you use a set of easy to remember rules that gives you a different password for each website, you’re secure and always know how to determine what your password was.

lol, I honestly was just being snarky, but generally do try to reserve my poops for after I leave someone else’s home.

So long as you remember to spell it “Armanda” every time, no one will ever guess that.

And you likely saw all the articles saying the guy who came up with all the pain in the ass requirements for passwords was wrong, and that, as you posit, string passwords of common words are far better and easier to remember. Consequently, I’ve changed my passwords to things like B!g4ppleNewYork so that it’s somewhat

So like ... can I have maternity leave? Affordable prenatal care? Any treatment for my battered lady-bits after birth? Help with childcare? (My parents live very, very far away and I really like what I do for a living.) Will my daughters be able to get jobs where they won’t be harassed by their employers, or is their

Deadpool made cash. Lots of cash.

In all honesty as a person who does some social media management professionally (not my main gig, but I do run two corporate consumer-facing accounts) it will not hurt them. This kind of irreverence and snark is what most people are attracted to now. Earnestness doesn’t get likes and retweets, sass does, every time.

“Can be hacked” is a lot different from “will be hacked.” The windows do your house can easily be broken while you’re not home and your house can be robbed. Get rid of your windows, right?

Dangers from cloud devices come from people that don’t secure them. The plug them into the Internet with a user/pwd of admin/admin,

Because mass-tattooing of people has been so great in the past.

Yes! I know it as The Terrible Secret of Animal Crossing, and it’s the best LP/fanfic thing I’ve ever read!

“Trust but verify” is just another way of saying “believe women,” which is another way of saying “don’t reflexively disbelieve women.”

Just gotta get through this, Melania, she thinks as she walks through the whispering wood. Just gotta get through this.

Where do they get the bodies, well I presume in China they will come form political prisoners about to be executed.

but in the future... We will just have to raise clones with the intention of harvesting their bodies when we want to transfer our consciousness to a younger body via a head transplant. It solves the