
It would be even cooler if on the last day, they let you pick up your character from the diorama and take it home with you!

I’m a little late on this discussion, my wife and I just finished the show last night. (wanted to stretch it out as long as we could)

Visual clues often rely on how you place your camera, right? You can easily miss visual clues if you prefer to have your camera angled in a way that doesn’t let you pick up on said clues.

Removing them entirely is a horrible idea.

And he was actually trying to contain the problem that his predecessor created, even if he wasn’t doing a great job of it. AND he was gonna sacrifice himself for the group.

But in S2, Paul Reiser was essentially a good guy, demonstrating that government is merely a tool that can both help and harm. He did, after all, use his gubmint authoritah to provide Eleven with a chance at a normal life, show Nancy and whathisface exactly what was going on despite their lack of security c,earance,

Yeah, that part would be a little kludgy to explain, but maybe losing the hive-mind connection only kills creatures native to the Upside Down, or only those who have already been fully coopted. It wasn’t even a carefully established rule, just a theory based on a D&D character, so it wouldn’t be too much of a cheat

True, but Stranger Things takes place a few years before a Sith training montage.

I’ll bite: What would help? The supposedly LIBRUL RAGS are still, fucking still trying to write these Clampetts according to established journalistic norms. What we are witnessing is unprecedented and previously unimaginable in the US. As you note, the bipedal mammals who support Donny Two Scoops are never going to

Yeah, I own a VR unit and I’m not really amazed by it. I’ll mess around with it once every few months, but that’s about it.

No, he’s right, it’s katakana. Hiragana is used for conjugation, particles, and short Japanese words. Katakana is used for loanwords, slang, and a sort of ALLCAPS equivalent.

No. :)

Huh. Interesting. That kinda explains why there’s so much katakana. If the recipes were of non-Japanese things then a lot of the ingredients would’ve been in katakana.

Not to mention, that moment you’re switching places to put the other under the shower head, if one of you has soap all over you and the other just rinsed off.. well, whoever just rinsed is gonna be rinsing all over again after you rub bellies.

I agree that the separation between TV and movies seems forced when I’m reading articles like this. But when I’m watching MCU movies and TV shows, I don’t think about this stuff at all.

Honestly, who cares? As long as the stories and characters are good, I couldn’t care less whether Avengers tower shows up on Netflix or ABC or whatever.

Step 1: “Hey significant other, it is morning time, would you like to have sex?”

Well, we’d need to put a spinning cone in there. If we spin up a cone we could bring the city to 1g by adding centrifugal force to the existing lunar gravity. I wonder if there would be diamond and hydrous silicates in there too?

As the owner of over ten thousand books that I’ve had to haul around for decades, I adore my Kindle.

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