
No, that award goes to King.

They are trying to make any and all money they can off the game while they can. They sunk so much into it over the years and something tells me launch sales are no where near making up for the investment.

If you think about it realistically, Arya (and likely almost every other character) is probably suffering from severe PTSD.

This is also a typical abuser world upside-down mindfuck bullshit. Somebody behaves so erratically horrible all the time that you start feeling grateful whenever they for once act like a normal human being. Don’t fall for it, Anybody Who Will Listen.

The question is only how can someone, other than you, access the information securely; or more simply how can you share something securely with someone other than you.

Gendry... the boy who has been a blacksmith and by virtue of all that hammer-pounding is probably all muscle on the top. He’s their distance runner?

Will zombie dragon breathe fire or ice?

Most common welders masks have lenses that aren’t actually dark enough. I believe they need to be a #14 or higher for eclipse viewing, where as welding lenses are usually in the 8-12 range.

I’ve been known to pull a knife out of my knife block and say “May your blade chip and splinter.”

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

I think the OP of this sub-thread is basically saying this;
Whatever kills your enemy, can be used to kill your friends.

First they came for our white supremacists and we...actually what was the problem again?

Yup, we form impressions and make snap judgments in seconds and it can take a long time to dismantle them and that’s if you realize they’re there in the first place.

I agree, I just think that most people might underestimate how insidious it can be. To defeat prejudice a person has to have a level of critical self-evaluation that simply does not come naturally to most people. In the same way that people have to be taught how to reason correctly about probability. Our built-in

It goes to males. Cersei is the first Queen ever. She was Queen Regent before, but just holding it for her son(s).

FF13? Freudian slip there?

Dragons are more like a napalm throwing tank.

It’s like rewarding a dog for not shitting on the carpet today.