
I too like Mon-El.

*also slithers into the shadows, bringing muffins and Supergirl on tape*

It’s the gay equivalent of whitewashing. Yes, LGBT culture is prismatic and multi-layered (like if a Crystal Gem and Shrek had a baby!), but this game doesn’t really do anything at all to actually display LGBT people in any sense other than “oh, here’s some guys who happen to be attracted to other guys”. They’re all

Sometime during the last couple of years while you were in the coma. In other news ‘cuckold’ now means anyone who disagrees with you, ‘facts’ mean self-serving lies, ‘winning’ means losing badly, ‘Presidential’ refers to attacking people on the internet and words like ‘dignity’ and ‘civility’ are no longer part of the

“Editor’s Note?”

Longtime Namecheap customer. Keeping it simple for over a decade.

Longtime Namecheap customer. Keeping it simple for over a decade.

doesnt look like anything to me

Westeros? Westworld? Westerosworld?

I don’t get it your at Comic -con ?

My variation of this is taking of pic of where the hell we parked the car in any unfamiliar and large parking lot. Not having to remember that you’re parked in lot E-26 makes things a lot less stressful when trying to leave!

With one exception, every time I’ve gone to Subway I’ve felt like I’ve interrupted the sandwich maker’s busy day of not making sandwiches. And there’s not even a line.

Holy Shit, they did it, they really did it!!

You are thinking of trademark. If a trademark is used too freely within the domain that it is supposed to cover and the owner of the trademark takes no action, it can become “generic,” and essentially you can no longer sue someone for using it. So trademark is “use it or lose it.” But copyrights don’t work that way.

Such poor planning. No security, or velvet ropes, and you arrange the expensive ass art like a giant game of fucking dominoes.

The theory is that the brain doesn’t finish developing until 25... so different effects makes sense... and remember some SSRI come with warnings for suicidal side effects for teens.

This x 1000. Anyone who has rescued enough dogs knows that you just don’t know.

I’m thinking things like an incessant need to insert sharp horn and biwa sounds into dramatic scenes

I say this with love and admiration: Bryan Fuller’s gonna Bryan Fuller.

In the meantime though, they have the Wii U - a 5-year old console (young, really) with roughly 100 million units sold. Rather than being utter dick-fucks and completely abandoning this console they are extending its lifespan by adding new items on the VC.

The problem is Amazon themselves equated it to Black Friday. So they were asking for trouble by not delivering on that level.

The problem is Amazon themselves equated it to Black Friday. So they were asking for trouble by not delivering on

I just sort of skimmed the article, but I think I got the gist of it.