
I think it’s really interesting that you put it that way, because this is more or less the biggest problem with the Matrix series. The world building was what made the first movie GREAT, but once the characters had it all figured out...meh

I also hate minimalism as a logo trend and can’t wait for it to die

This article (or at least the headline) is really, really bad advice for anybody who lives in a city or suburb. Local governments have written laws explicitly addressing this. If you fail to mow your lawn and keep it at a reasonable length, the local municipal government will show up at your house and mow your lawn

After reading the articles and all the comments, the conclusion I have come to: this is a desktop pretending to be a laptop, a Kia pretending to be a Jaquar.

Why put the battery in it at all? It’s hardly “portable” except that it can, like a grand piano, be moved by those hardy enough.

If Pence becomes President will this police song become the new national anthem:

I wish the blood and chrome pilot / movie didn’t suck, or that Caprica had been a tighter series (I actually thought it was halfway decent by the end but it was just too damn slow) and this iteration of the franchise was still thriving. Any updates on the movies that were supposed to reboot things yet again? At least

Trump rants a lot on Twitter, and it’s often triggered by one right-wing news source or another

Where do you draw the line between this and breaking into the white house and saying “hey I was just asking the question whether the white house was secure”

But I’m sorry Marvel. Adam Sandler and the horror that was “Pixels” ruined that moment for you and no matter how much I appreciate the consistency of the character, the moment Pac-man showed up I had flashbacks to that awful, awful movie.

Yeah, as much as I enjoy the concept of VR and enjoyed my PSVR for the first few months, I think it’s getting pushed out of the nest way before it’s ready to fly, so to speak. Every time I have people over and we try it out, we end up talking about all of the things it’ll be great for in the future, not how much fun

I‘m stealing this.

It’s still a massive failure because it barely deviates from the standard cable packing or live TV paradigm. The cost, when you factor in the requisite speeds for quality streaming, are no better than most bundled internet/tv packages from most providers. Add to that the horrible quality of Hulu streams and navigation

I’d rather just have Mockingbird and Hunter brought back to SHIELD and not a spinoff.

Kotaku posts an article about a Nintendo fangame and it gets a C&D less than a week later.

While true, if I am understanding what they are trying to achieve is to have your own body kill it off and repair itself. Your body already has the ability in place to do this, it just needs to be told to do it because something else is telling it not to.

They and all the other carriers did something similar with 4g LTE. Delaying the true increase in speeds for years while making up a new BS 4g that wasn’t part of any actual standard. Bastards.

The Franchise Wars have begun. I, for one, welcome our Taco Bell overlords.

> I doubt you’ll see a stand-alone console for old S/NES titles though... that just doesn’t make sense.  

It’s been playing out this way for decades.

“Nintendo is working to make sure everyone who wants a system is able to buy one, and more systems are continually being shipped.”