
However, Only Legal Yahoos Should Heed Incidental Transgressions.

I think it is inappropriate to assume the gender of the bomb. “Parent of all bombs” would be more accurate.

You could tweet all you like at 45.

Because it’s the only approved word processing software at my employer.

Not sure if it was the same storm, but I remember one form about that time that had some pretty intense flooding as well. I remember taking boats and jetskis out on what the week before had been wheat fields.

Another time we had a winter storm knock out power for a few weeks. It wasn’t as bad since we had a fireplace

Living in Flint I can tell you the question of where to put the water is one you shouldn’t take lightly if your picking up that much water. So many houses around here have seen floors collapse under the weight of water. When you start stacking up water against the wall and don’t respect what your floor can hold. Well

My first thoughts exactly. Good luck to those who live in shithole apartments and live paycheck to paycheck. Such as myself and so, so many others.

So many stars here. How... politically timely for the government agencies like FEMA and the CDC to recommend emergency preparations that are technically available to most Americans but practically and financially impossible for them to fulfill.

I have a small creek that runs through my neighborhood, and I make sure not to get below 1/2 gallon of bleach on hand. Problem solved. You may say that I won’t be able to venture outside in the post-apocalypse, or that the creek will be contaminated with radiation or zombie blood. I would counter that IDGAF, because I

Haha but of course. Its still a funny mental picture though. “Honey, I don’t know if we can fit that 16th MRI in the garage.” “Oh ill make it fit, but you’re going to need to take off your jewelry.”

Stand on the right/walk on the left.

I don’t get why they didn’t just keep Earth 2 Wells. He was my favorite. Mr. Surly-pants.

I really don’t get what they’re doing now. This season seemed to close the door on Laurel, down to the recruiting of the new Dinah. Why do that and then bring her back, even if it’s her E2 form? Dumb dumb dumb.

Dear Disney,

He’s in great shape but i can’t actually tell how ripped he is with all the shading, lighting and post process magic. He is reasonably buff though.

And c’mon... Zombie High? That alone... well done writers (and, I assume, the original comic creators). Well done.

THIS WAS MY EXACT REACTION! Way back at the beginning I said “God this sounds so dumb but it’s getting some really positive buzz ugh FINE I guess I’ll try it one episode can’t hurt.”and then bam, easily one of my favorite shows around.

I’ve seen contestants lose it because they pronounced something slightly off, even though they had everything right... so that’s just people erring on the safe side.

This show started out as a passing curiosity, but became must-see viewing by the end of the first season. The stoke is high for the third.

Right, and this isn’t really a “game design” problem, either. Given the trade-off of convenience versus communication with strangers, most people would rather have the convenience.