
Ditch the concept of allowance all together... I haven’t seen or heard of allowance in the grown up world... My kids get commission and understand the concept of getting paid for work. They have a chore chart with pictures for help remembering what’s due each day & accountability. On Friday they get paid for the

I’ll be the first to say that clearing your sinus using a neti pot is one of the best feelings I have felt. Its right up there with a good sneeze. Her smile, and reaction, sums up that feeling best.

Until we bought a set of Hue lightbulbs.

My friend has a Google Home. His wife thinks its hilarious to yell “Ok google, play smashmouth on all speakers” and then she dances in her underwear for him. He hates smashmouth and it is indeed hilarious. I discovered that the google home is sensitive enough that I can send him a voice message over facebook messenger

Exactly. I burn my penis every day and it looks nothing like this.

I dunno if it’s sexual, but if you watch the Brotherhood anime, there’s an episode dedicated to it. A girl wants Prompto to give Noctis something, but he is ashamed of his nerdy/overweight status. He works hard for YEARS to feel up to being recognized by Noctis and saying hello, only to find that Noct had noticed him

prompto is my precious child and no harm shall ever befall him

Man, Gackt is a name I haven’t heard since my heavy gundam fanboy days of the early 2000s.

I guess some folks like popular shows and some folks like great shows. i09 seems like the kind of place that embraces Firefly over Real Housewives.

Ahh...Planet Fitness. Or as I call it, Average Joes, where the first Tuesday of every month they have pizza brought in for all the members.

I do not envy these people. It’s raw and sensitve as hell and no matter what choice they make it’ll be the wrong one to a number of people.

I think he’s picking at aesthetics more than anything. He’s always preferred a gritty-realistic approach (regardless of the content of his films) so he has a hard time wrapping his brain around something more swashbuckly.

And yes, I just made up swashbuckly.

Well thank fucking god...I’m tired of seeing the Matrix code.

Appreciate that link because I am 50 and have personally used and heard other people use literally this way all my life. It’s only recently that I have heard people online complaining about it and apparently they aren’t aware of how language works. It evolves. If it didn’t, the field of etymology would be a lot less

I gotta say that I’m highly amused by the folks trying to claim that the fantasy characters they like are more “realistic” than yours, because reasons. It’s second only to folks who argue about “realistic” spaceship designs from various media properties. Fandom, gotta love it!

yes:) Most contemporary super hero movies are: tiny bit of exposition, set piece, set piece, set piece, plot elements explained via dialogue, set piece, witty barb or two, set piece, set piece, heavy handed moral, set piece, credits.

They acknowledge the dust storm in the numerous commentaries and podcasts about the movie. In fact, Nasa told them point blank the kind of dust storm they portray would never happen on mars, Drew Goddard’s response though was “well, if we don’t do that then we don’t have a movie”. So plot hole or not, at least they

This, exactly. For the guy who made Prometheus to harp on suspension of belief...

The title also says permanently, but then gives you the relatively painless fix.

But if they wrote “attachment” in the headline, we’d all see it, think to ourselves, “Who’s stupid enough to open attachments from strangers,” shrug (or roll our eyes) and not click the link.

Well done, Alex.